This is my first Pride test modblog. No format. No fancy. Just me and my blackberry reporting from the living room. First decision … What shoes will I wear to Pride? Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry



Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Dyke March 2009

Another fine event from the Dyke March organizers.  The crowd gathered on the CMU Lawn for some socializing and networking.  The luminescent La'Tasha Mayes from New Voices Pittsburgh spoke very artfully and got the march rolling. I posted tons of photos and tweets at Facebook. The mood was festive, the marchers were cheerful and the […]

UPDATE: Indigo Girls Meet ‘n Greet Tickets ONLY still available

UPDATE:  Indigo Girls Meet ‘n Greet Tickets ONLY still available

If you have tickets to the upcoming Indigo Girls concert in Pittsburgh, there are a handful of meet 'n greet passes still available.  You must have tickets though.  To order passes, stop by the Lambda Foundation booth at Pridefest or call 412-277-2294.  The Girls were on the weekend Today show performing “Closer to Fine.”   Very […]

Reg Henry “Revolted” by Democracy? No wonder newspaper are dying

Reg Henry “Revolted” by Democracy?  No wonder newspaper are dying

You know Reg, the old white guy who writes for the Post-Gazette?  No not, him.  Not him either – that's the editor.  And, no, Brian O'Neil is the liberal guy.  The one who isn't old.  No the liberal guy isn't that black guy.  Well, yeah Tony is liberal, too, but never mind. I don't know […]

Inclusive ENDA: A Nod to National Issues and a Shout Out to Mike Doyle

Inclusive ENDA:  A Nod to National Issues and a Shout Out to Mike Doyle

The battle wages on as valiant national LGBTQ leaders lead the charge for a federal strategy of equality.  Top among those issues is the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) which passed the House with protections for sexual orientation only. In keeping with the call for inclusiveness, leaders have vowed solidarity to keep protections based on gender […]

More on EarthEcycle

More on EarthEcycle

First, watch this video from 60 Minutes on the lethal impact of toxic electronic dumping:;contentBody Today's Post-Gazette: EPA Accused Electronics Recycler of Violations The company does seem to have ran afoul of the EPA, in spite of the protests of their ardent local defenders, er defender.  Who works for them. Go figure.  I'm getting […]

Yet another marriage equality letter to the editor

Yet another marriage equality letter to the editor

Proponents of equality:  IV Bigots: III Scott Bell of Ross writes in response to a reader's complaint that the PG had not delved deeply into the religious history of marriage.  Scott puts that complaint in context: Ms. Evans is correct that marriage under the umbrella of religion has a long history. She left out the […]

Preliminary Thoughts on the ACLU Forum

Preliminary Thoughts on the ACLU Forum

Tonight's event sponsored by the ACLU was very interesting and useful.  The formal topic was “Issues and Answers for the LGBT Commmunity on Law, Marriage, Money and Family Matters.”  The 4 panelists are experts in their various fields.  The interesting twist was having each panelist present on their area of law and then send them […]

Marriage Equality March on Washington and other news

Marriage Equality March on Washington and other news

Cleve Jones (of Milk fame) is calling for an October 11 March on Washington for Gay Marriage.  Pam's House Blend is not in favor of the idea.  Bil Browning from the Bilerico Project has a list of 10 reasons why this is not a workable idea.  What are your thoughts?  I'm personally not driving to […]