PG Article on PrideFest

PG Article on PrideFest

I think it is the rainbow flag that always gets me. Back in 2005 or 2006, the PG ran a beautiful story with a very colorful photo of the rainbow flag as a few children ran underneath it.  That symbol of families and politics and pride merged beautifully. Be sure to check out the Post-Gazette's […]

Trib on Angie Zapato

Trib on Angie Zapato

The Trib published a guest column on the trial in the brutal murder of Angie Zapato.  She was killed because she was a trans woman. Her murderer was found guilty of first degree murder and a hate crime.    Like the U.S. women's movement, which has worked hard to challenge the cruel and faulty assumption that […]

All a Twitter in the Burghosphere

All a Twitter in the Burghosphere

Someone commented about the details of incorporating new social media in queer organizing. Here's something you might consider locally.  Follow me on twitter. Here's my Twitter profile   I am PghLesbian24 (who are the 23 other Pittsburgh Lesbians?) I often tweet about my latest posts or breaking news, along with what I'm having for lunch and […]

Dialogue about advocacy and Pride

Dialogue about advocacy and Pride

My colleague Thomas Waters picked up on my Pride post, focusing on the advocacy assessment.  Thomas and I share a fairly similar world view so often it does come down to tactics and strategy differences (very different).  I had commented that: My frustration with these events is that they gear people up for an activity […]

The Much Anticipated Pride Post

The Much Anticipated Pride Post

PrideFest is almost here.  There are a few specific events which I would like to highlight.  Here's the full schedule of partner events. Your Rights, Our Rights, Human Rights: An ACLU ForumIssues and Answers on Law, Marriage, Money and Family Matters Presented in Partnership with Allies at CMU, Delta Foundation and Pittsburgh Pride 2009 Monday, […]

Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

Proponents of Equality:  III                                Bigots: III Ron D'Amico is helping keep the balance in the Post-Gazette Letters to the Editor count when it comes to marriage equality. I am writing to express my extreme pleasure with Sen. Daylin Leach and his move to legalize same-sex marriage in Pennsylvania (“Senator Pushes Bill to Allow Same-Sex Marriage,” May […]

Doyle, Casey and Specter on Inclusive ENDA

Doyle, Casey and Specter on Inclusive ENDA

Remember the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA)?  Earlier in the week, I checked Facebook and discovered I had been invited to join a new group to push for an inclusive ENDA.  Inclusive means sexual orientation and gender identity (and expression but whose counting?).  Not the palatable, baby steps, throw out the scary genderqueer folks version.  The […]

I went to a meeting and New Hampshire got marriage equality

I went to a meeting and New Hampshire got marriage equality

Big night. First, how about New Hampshire?  Now six states offer marriage equality to their residents.  Second, the Humane Society recycling fiasco gets increasingly snarled.  Matted, perhaps?  Read the article and tell me if you share my outrage that the local organizations are upset MORE about their lost profits than by the toxic destruction being […]

General Round Up

General Round Up

Not a lot to report on the local front.  The dueling marriage equality bills are not generating the outpouring of letters to the editor we experienced in 2006 and 2008.  Maybe you could write one?  New Hampshire votes on marriage equality today. Check out the comments section to see (for once!) a constructive outcome to […]

Film Society Movies; Will they support Outrage?

Film Society Movies; Will they support Outrage?

Two upcoming movies sponsored by the Film Society.  They state “PLGFS is always happy to support gay-themed movies…  “ I hope this means they will be working with Magnolia Productions and the Pgh Filmmakers to promote Outrage the Movie which is absolutely gay-themed and promise to be a powerful, dialogue-generating documentary.  I would love to […]