Doyle, Casey and Specter on Inclusive ENDA

Remember the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA)?  Earlier in the week, I checked Facebook and discovered I had been invited to join a new group to push for an inclusive ENDA.  Inclusive means sexual orientation and gender identity (and expression but whose counting?).  Not the palatable, baby steps, throw out the scary genderqueer folks version.  The […]

I went to a meeting and New Hampshire got marriage equality

Big night. First, how about New Hampshire?  Now six states offer marriage equality to their residents.  Second, the Humane Society recycling fiasco gets increasingly snarled.  Matted, perhaps?  Read the article and tell me if you share my outrage that the local organizations are upset MORE about their lost profits than by the toxic destruction being […]

General Round Up

Not a lot to report on the local front.  The dueling marriage equality bills are not generating the outpouring of letters to the editor we experienced in 2006 and 2008.  Maybe you could write one?  New Hampshire votes on marriage equality today. Check out the comments section to see (for once!) a constructive outcome to […]

Film Society Movies; Will they support Outrage?

Two upcoming movies sponsored by the Film Society.  They state “PLGFS is always happy to support gay-themed movies…  “ I hope this means they will be working with Magnolia Productions and the Pgh Filmmakers to promote Outrage the Movie which is absolutely gay-themed and promise to be a powerful, dialogue-generating documentary.  I would love to […]

Presidential Proclamation for Pride Month

Personally, I think this is more rhetoric from a President who once called himself a “fierce advocate” yet has backed off many issues that he has the power to address:  Don't Ask, Don't Tell, federal benefits for domestic partners, etc.  These Pride proclamations are a little more useless than the showcase of politicians who show […]

Blogging for LGBT Families in Pennsylvania

I believe this is the 4th annual blog swarm to educate readers about LGBT families.  I met the editor of Mombian at the LGBT Blogging Summit we attended last December and have found her blog to be very interesting. Now my nuclear family is Ledcat and myself as we do not have children.  Still, as […]

Tribune Review: People prefer civil unions to gay marriage. Huh.

In another not-slanted-at-all story, the Tribune informs us that most Pennsylvania's prefer civil unions to marriage equality. Read for yourselves. A poll released this month by Muhlenberg College showed 61 percent of people in the state support civil unions, but 51 percent oppose gay marriage. Gay rights advocates note that support for civil unions increased […]

Indigo Girls Concert/Meet and Greet: Tickets Still Available

SUNDAY JUNE 21, 2009  7:30 PM Carnegie Music Hall in Homestead     Concert + Reception = $77.00 Limited tickets available (through Friday only).      For more information, 412-277-2294 Don't forget to register for a pair of FREE tickets to the show.  Drawing will be posted on PrideFest (Sunday, June 14, 2009) Tickets will not be available for […]

Westmoreland Community Colleges removes sexual orientation from non-discrimination language

The Post-Gazette has the story on a recent decision by Westmoreland County Community College to extract two classes from their non-discrimination language.  Since 2000, Westmoreland County Community College has published notices saying the school will not discriminate against individuals based on various circumstances, including their “sexual orientation” and “union membership.” But the school now says […]

Lambda Foundation on Facebook

If you are on Facebook, please become a fan of The Lambda Foundation page.  Lambda has been at the heart of many, many LGBT projects, programs and services throughout the past 25 years.