What the hell is going on?

My partner works with the police so we've been very saddened by the weekend tragedy.  I have to admit that I sat on the edge of my sheet knowing that it could easily have been a friend of ours whose name was read at that 3 PM press conference.  So, having read the papers over […]

k.d. lang is in town

…and the Post-Gazette goes with the oh-so-obvious headline. k.d. lang has constant craving for truthfulness   Along with having one of the most lovely voices in popular music, lang's is also an outspoken one. She's come out against eating meat, and has taken stances on Tibetan and gay/lesbian rights. “My political stances really stem from […]

Pittsburgh’s newest LGBTQ media

  Pittsburgh has a new high-end glossy media resource, CUE Pittsburgh.  This is the third edition.  I didn't write sooner because I was mistakenly informed it has gone under, but surprisingly that is not the truth.  I say surprisingly because launching a new magazine in this economy seems risky, but what do I now?  It […]

The AFA of PA responds to Iowa decision

Ah, Diane Gramley is a wee bit upset that our midWestern cousins have determined that equality means true equality.  At least in terms of state approved marriage.  She's plays her strongest card to push for a marriage amendment in PA — Iowa overturning a DOMA law.  What she doesn't tell you is that, to my […]

Another Fine Letter to the Editor

Kathi Boyle, Executive Director of the Pittsburgh AIDS Task Force, wrote in to the Post-Gazette to underscore the importance of a comprehensive, realistic approach to sex ed. I agree completely with Stacie Murphy's March 29 Forum piece, “Quit Clowning Around,” regarding sex education for teens. Abstinence is a wonderful goal, but the reality of how […]

A few recent words from the AFA of PA

Just in case you are wondering what Pennsylvan's Christian-flavored bigots (haters, not the lovers) have been up to: On HB 300 (yawn).  More ignorant appeals to religious discrimination.  I certainly don't expect Catholic Charities to hire homosexuals.  I do expect them to comply with the law if they accept public funding.  This is about GREED, […]

Friday morning stuff

The ER finale was pretty good. I think the opening of Dr. Carter's medical center was a bit over the top, but bringing in Mark Green's daughter was mad genius.  I also thought it was weird that Dr. Carter practiced medicine at County because I thought you need privileges and insurance to practice.  There a touching […]

Dykes on Bikes go political

Another event from Pittsburgh's Newest queer group, the Dykes on Bikes.  This is their third benefit in less than six months.  And you thought they were just a PrideFest contingent.  Ha!  Check out this event with gay comedy, free drinks and the chance to make meaningful impact. Oh do those Biker Dykes ever stop?  Not in […]

City-County Merger Plans Going Nowhere and That’s a Good Thing

Today's Post-Gazette examines the lack of momentum on plans for a City-County merger, mainly due to a failure to act on the part of the state Legislature.  You can read all those exciting details about debt reduction and political machinations here. I live in the City and my partner works for the City.  I also own […]

New Content

 Here are a few tidbits that seem randomnly interesting this morning. Cybil Shepherd's daughter, Clementine, has come out. This is not random.  Iraq is set to execute more than 100 people beginning next week.  Among them are individuals convicted of homosexuality.  Groups from the UN to Amnesty International are intervening on the basis that the […]