Frankel introduced non-discrimination bill

The Post-Gazette is reporting that State Representative Dan Frankel has introduced legislation to expand civil protections to include the LGBTQ community across the state.  He's built up a stronger base of support so things look possible this time around.

Netroots Nation Call for Proposals

Netroots Nation is coming to Pittsburgh August 13-16, 2009.  Here's the call for proposals. In the next 12 months, we'll be working together more than ever to push progressive policy into legislation. And there's no better place to discuss our priorities and plan how to make them a reality than at Netroots Nation, the grassroots event […]

Dan Onorato’s Silence is not Moot

Let me just say this.  If HB 300 becomes law and our community gains statewide civil protections in the areas of housing, employment and public accomodation, it will be a good thing.  However, it is shortsighted to celebrate that avoiding a county vote on this issue — especially any public commitment from our Chief Executive — is […]

Dykes and Advocacy in Pittsburgh

Lynn Cullen. It is official.  Gay people, rejoice. Interesting women's music show. The SUNSTAR Women in Music Festival (March 5th – 7th, 2009) features a full roster of independent music artists and includes concerts, workshops and special events celebrating emerging & world class music makers. Named in honor of our most precious and energizing resource, […]

The “State” of PA politics – will we see anything through?

I received an email this week inviting me to the March 17 rally in Harrisburg and a telephone call from someone who wanted to discuss my concerns about the current state of affairs in gay politics.  The call was perfectly cordial, but I'm left feeling rather unsatisfied. Especially when they wanted my list of other bloggers. I […]

This is how a rally is done …

Over 200 people packed a local church to support the Employee Free Choice Act.  Both our Mayor and Chief Executive were happy to speak out affirming labor, even while remaining mum on equality.  Sigh.  Good for Pittsburgh United and related organizations who are doing excellent work on an important issue. They make it happen.  We […]

Lynn Cullen is Back on the Air!

Uncomfirmed sources report that Lynn Cullen will be back on Pittsburgh's airwaves, beginning on Monday, March 9, 2009 during the 5-7 drivetime slot.  The station is WAMO  AM 860 right before the hugely popular Bev Smith Show. WAMO management is expected to make a public statement on Monday. Great news, kids.  Great news. 

What makes a family?

  I have been an amateur genealogist for about 12 years and just discovered my first long lost relative via Facebook. I've found plenty of folks via and other websites, mostly very distant cousins.  My mother found my father's cousin at her hair salon.  I am using Facebook to connect with known relatives, which […]

Pittsburgh’s Lambda Foundation Announces Grant Recipients

As you probably recall, Lambda recently celebrated 25 years of grant making, totalling nearly $1 million in support for Pittsburgh's LGBT community.  A few thousand at a time.  That's a lot of seeds, my friends. If you read through the list of grants, you'll see an interesting range in programs — HIV prevention, social and recreational […]

Mayor Luke Ravenstahl’s Office Responds

On December 10, 2008, I sent a series of follow up questions to Deputy Chief of Staff Kristen Baginski, who had promised to procure some information for me during the Q/A meeting about the Mayor's GLBT Advisory Committtee. See earlier post for details. On February 25, 2009, I received the following response from the Mayor's […]