PG coverage on the hearing: This is what insomnia does

I can't let the man called Potter have all the blogging firsts.  So I stayed up until 2:07 AM to post the Post-Gazette coverage of the hearing before Allegheny County Council.   Here is the link. This article sucks.  The reporter quotes multiple Chrisitan-flavored bigots and only two proponents of the ordinance.  There is no sense […]

Pittsburgh LGBTQ Advocacy Email List Forms

The Mayor is looking for a few good queers, but has been rather circumspect about his selection criteria, process and other issues related to transparency.  Hope that works out. Meanwhile, back at Lesbian Central, we've decided to stop the massive CC and BCC email messages from spiraling out of control by establishing an email list […]

Response from Dan Onorato’s Office to my cyber town hall meeting question

This just in from County Chief Executive Dan Onorato's office.  I asked him about plans to offer domestic partner benefits to County employees.  View the meeting here. January 15, 2009   Dear Ms. Kerr:   Thank you for your email.  We appreciate your interest in the cyber town hall meeting.  While the County Executive was […]

Allegheny County: Another report

According to Gary Van Horn, the speakers number as follows. 49 for the ordinance 14 against. Hmmm.  So 63 speakers out of 80 showed up. Bram thinks the attendance was split 2/3 for and 1/3 against.  Anyone else want to weigh in?

The Council. Half the room and most of the Council is gone

It is twenty minutes past 8:00 PM.  Adam says the room is half full.  Interesting.  I can add some commentary here.  It appears the pro-ordinance folks really outnumber the anti-folks.  Here are some thoughts from Adam. Loads of people out in support. Also loads out against. Of those opposed 98% made purely religious arguments. It […]

Allegheny! Excerpts! Gastgeb leaves.

Patricia Weaver Pa family institute. Against! Consequences. Religious schools might not be able to discominate. Photographers might not be able to discriminate. Physicians might not be able to discriminate. Catholics might not be able to discriminate. Also, I'm now going to mischaracterize the law and break the 9th commandment. <Diane Gramley and Tony Perkins kin.  […]

Allegheny County Council: Excertopia

Kishore Jayakumar High school student. Supports. Talks about how hard it is to be out in high school. Says is issue for mental health of county's youth. Like milk speech in real life. But not in Altoona. Really courageous kid! Big applause. <Ledcat has been saying for weeks that bringing in student speakers would be powerful.  […]

Alleg Co Council: Excerpts

Adam is reporting that Rich Fitzgerald is saying the attendance is unprecedented.  At one point, the line to get into the room was 100 deep.  Good show, friends.

Allegheny County Council: More Excerpts

La'Tasha Mayes Black struggle is like gay struggle. Mlk is a natural ally. With new voices of Pittsburgh. Women of color for repoductive justice. Homophobia is like sexism or racism. Thanks amanda green. <La'Tasha was a speaker at the rally this past Saturday.> Alan Wakefield Always with the religious. Do people actually expect laws to […]

Official Response on Ordinance from Vince Gastgeb (R)

This came from a constituent of Councilman Gastgeb who wrote in favor of the ordinance. Thank you for taking the time to write. It is my understanding that the Bill will be going through some amendments over time. In addition, there is a public hearing scheduled for Thursday. With this as well as other anticipated […]