Burghosphere no longer on the “Cutting Edge” ?

My name is Sue Kerr and I plan to keep on blogging.  I know, I know.  This comes as a great shock and will undoubtably send tidal waves plowing through the Burghosphere.  Epic poems will be composed by the likes of Tony Norman, Sally Kalson and Mike Seate.  Mighty political entities will tremble in their […]

Another Update on Big Queer Rally: Kraus to Speak

Just received confirmation that City Councilman Bruce Kraus, Pittsburgh's first openly gay elected official, will be speaking at the rally on January 10 and addressing County Council on January 15.  I also see the email notices starting to spiral out and about.  I hope you have those dates circled on your calendar.  We need you!  […]

Gab Bonesso is my New Year’s Resolution

We caught her latest comedy show the other night.  It was called “The Mentally Ill Comedy Show” and I'm not sure if I violated my social work code of ethics by attending, but the biting social commentary and zippy anti-hate-fest jokes balanced it all out.  For me.  Plus, I actually got a table and my […]

From the PG: Gay Marriage And Domestic Partner Registry and oh something from the City Paper, too

That title reflects exactly how creative I feel this morning.  I had weird dreams all night in which I was a character in the soap opera, The Young & The Restless only the other characters included a ghost, Jim from Taxi and Freddie Prinze, Sr.  I kept asking everyone to marry me (they all wore red pullover […]

UPDATE: Big Queer Rally

Reverend Janet Edwards has just confirmed that she will be speaking at the upcoming rally on January 10, 2009.  As you may recall, Janet was the target of a church trial because of her decision to preside at the wedding of two local lesbians.  She was cleared of those charges.  I believe she will prove to be […]

The Pennsylvania Legislative Agenda and Hate Crimes

Today's Post-Gazette features a strong statement from State Senator Jim Ferlo on plans to expand Pennsylvania's Hate Crimes law to include additional protected classes, including ancestry, disability, sexual orientation, gender and gender identity.  These were part of a 2002 amendment which was recently overturned on procedural grounds.  A hate crime makes certain crimes more serious […]

Big Queer Rally Set for Saturday, January 10 – Oakland

Here's the scoop … there's going to be a BIG QUEER RALLY on Saturday, January 10 from 2 – 4 PM at the Schenley Quad in Oakland (near the libraries).  This is a follow up event to the Join the Impact rally in early November which turned out nearly 500 people.  The focus of the […]

Happy Anniversary to the Lesbians (and no, we are not going into the sex toy business)

Wow. Big 24 hours.  My story about Diane Gramley and the Allegheny County Anti-Discrimination Legislation was picked up by several national sites and my domain expires!  Can you believe that luck?  My “guy” is on it, though. And thanks to all of my wonderful blogging friends in Pittsburgh who sent me assorted “creative” messages informing […]

AFA of PA targets Allegheny County Anti-Discrimination Legislation

c/p at Pam's House Blend Surprise!  Diane Gramley, self-proclaimed spokesperson of the Pennsylvania hatefest known as the AFA and resident of Venango County, is bringing her show on the road to Allegheny County in Southwestern Pennsylvania to challenge legislation that would prohibit discrimination on the basis of classes including sexual orientation, gender identity and gender […]

Allegheny Council Members Withdraw Sponsorship of Anti-Discrimination Legislation

I received word that three members of Allegheny County Council have withdrawn their support of the legislation that would extend anti-discrimination protections on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender presentation. You can bet the rightwing and the AFA of PA are getting people to make calls and had something to do with […]