Holiday Giving Opportunities for Pittsburgh!

Holiday Giving Opportunities for Pittsburgh!

Letters Round Up and Shout out to Cat Specter

Letters Round Up and Shout out to Cat Specter

Kudos to Dick Marshall of Crafton for penning a letter to the PG on the topic of gay civil rights.  Hearing so many voices from the pulpits in this country condemning relationships like mine while not so subtly telling us whom to vote for is both hurtful and incongruent with the hope that many of […]

Holiday Giving / Giving Tree/ Adopt a Family Opportunities in Pittsburgh

Holiday Giving / Giving Tree/ Adopt a Family Opportunities in Pittsburgh

UPDATE:  Here's the link to give to CHS programs.     I'm obviously biased, but I'm hoping the Burghosphere will take a moment to consider those in need during the holidays and take advantage of this opportunity to help a neighbor.  Sue   Dear Friends:   I am writing to you with a simple […]

Phelpsians to Picket Funeral of PA Lieutenant Governor

Phelpsians to Picket Funeral of PA Lieutenant Governor

I got a tip that the police are on high alert for Tuesday's funeral mass for Catherine Baker Knoll, the recently departed Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania. Why?  Because Fred Phelps and his homo-hating minions are bound for Pittsburgh to protest her funeral.  From their site (to which I will not link): St. Paul Cathedral – […]

Cinemark has an LGBT Liaison?

Cinemark has an LGBT Liaison?

h/t SteelCityDyke for the link to the original letter By now, you've read about the letter on from Cinemark executive and openly gay man, Bob Shimmin.  In the letter, Shimmin states that the company has an LGBT Liaison.  So … where is this person?   During my job interviews, I discovered that Cinemark has […]

BlogFest, Letters to the editor, etc

BlogFest, Letters to the editor, etc

Here's a good example of the challenge the gay community faces in the struggle for our full civil rights: Democracy spoke This letter is in regard to the photo of the Proposition 8 protest in the Region section of last Sunday's paper. While I understand the disappointment felt by those who support homosexual/lesbian marriage, I […]

County Council and Anti-Discrimination Legislation

County Council and Anti-Discrimination Legislation

Just received a call to action from the Steel-City Stonewall Democrats.  As you may recall, legislation has been introduced on the county level which would expand civil protections with regard to housing, employment and public accomodations to include the classes of sexual orientation and gender identity.  This is an important step for our region toward […]

Gender and the City Paper

Gender and the City Paper

This week's City Paper has some good stuff … First up, the cover story on a gender discrimination suit that could have a tremendous impact on women in the workplace.  Was Brian Prowel the victim of sexism or homophobia?  We've covered this before.  Now we wait for the court decision.  Marty Levine talks with activists […]

Luke forms LGBT Advisory Council with input from Leadership Pittsburgh

Luke forms LGBT Advisory Council with input from Leadership Pittsburgh

We've learned that Mayor Luke Ravenstahl is working with Leadership Pittsburgh to form a permanent LGBT Advisory Council, comprised of 8-10 individuals.  The Mayor is currently working with more than 35 leaders in the LGBT community to solicit recommendations for the Council.  He and his staff will review the recommendations and determine whom will participate.  […]

California Supreme Court Agrees to hear Challenge on Prop 8

California Supreme Court Agrees to hear Challenge on Prop 8

Pam's House Blend has all the details. The California Supreme Court agreed today to review legal challenges to Prop. 8, the voter initiative that restored a ban on same-sex marriage, but refused to permit gay weddings to resume pending a ruling. Meeting in closed session, the state high court asked litigants on both sides for […]