MacKenzie Carpenter has a blog

You can read it here: MacKenzie, as you know, is a professional journalist, but does add another woman's voice to the Burghosphere. 

From Burgh 2.0 to Stonewall 2.0

Last week, I wrote about the potential emergence of the Burghosphere 2.0 with the recent demise of several anonymous bloggers and others.  New voices are breaking through and it is a very exciting time to be a blogger, perhaps, if you have the luxury/willingness to blog in your real identity.  I'm not sure what exactly […]

Happy Holidays from Lesbian Central!

Steel City Stonewall announces planning meeting

Event Info Host: Join the Impact — Pittsburgh, PA DOMA Protest Type: Causes – Rally Network: Global Time and Place Date: Sunday, December 28, 2008 Time: 5:00pm – 7:00pm Location: Panera Bread Street: 3401 Blvd of the Allies City/Town: Pittsburgh, PA   Contact Info Phone: 4127285262 Email: The Planning Meeting will be held on […]

Reimagine Charlie Brown Christmas …

Harrisburg City Council Passes Domestic Registry; Now What?

Harrisburgians may soon be on their way to another notch in the belt of pointless LGBT legislative efforts.  Harrisburg City Council Unanimously Passes Life Partnership Registry HARRISBURG- Last night the Harrisburg City Council voted unanimously to adopt an ordinance to create a Life Partnership Registry, allowing unmarried, committed couples to affirm and recognize their relationships […]

Burghosphere 2.0

What's going on?  The Burgh Report closed up shop this week, joining the ranks of many (many anonymous) bloggers who are gone.  Dayvoe shut off comments on his blog posts at 2 Political Junkies.  John McIntire never allowed them in the first place, preferring to post things people email him.  Nothing wrong with that, but […]

Dear Reader Who Emailed Me About Moving to Pittsburgh

I can't find your email!  I am very sorry for not responding, but I have been pouring through my inbox searching for it.  So I thought I'd try to reach you in hopes that you might still be reading.  Please email me sue @  With deep apologies, Sue

Comment from a communications expert

Some advice from a highly respected professional on the need for a timely response from the LGBTQ community to breaking news.  This regards the Rick Warren situation, but certainly applies to local, regional and statewide issues as well.  This sums up exactly what went wrong when the State Legislature announced a Pittsburgh based hearing on the […]

Sunday morning musings

Now this is a nice way to wake up.  Yesterday, we had a really strange day including the purchase of our Charlie Brown Christmas Tree which was marked down to $10.00.  Typically, we get a nice big one, but this year feels different so we scaled back.  Even so, the tree is taller (just slightly) […]