The Mayor’s GLBT Advisory Council

I left tonight's meeting with some unanswered questions that I have submitted to his staff, so I'm going to give you a brief overview of the proceedings and save my analysis for a later date. There 25 people in attendance, plus two folks from the media (City Paper and Rustbelt Radio).  They are accepting nominations through […]

Breaking News from NJ: Civil Unions Aren’t Working, State Should Permit Marriage

Just in: Today at 3:56pm Reply This is a message from Garden State Equality: This is huge. The New Jersey Civil Union Review Commission has completed its final report. In a unanimous vote, the Commission pronounces the civil union law a failure and recommends to Governor Corzine and the legislature that they enact a marriage […]

Post Summit Summit

Well, I couldn't resist as we had to crawl back through the mountains to Pennsylvania in the dark.  Brrrrr.  However, we are safely home and have rounded up all the critters from their various “band camps” much to their delight.  The boys are studiously not talking to us and Ana is sleeping off her weekend.  The […]

PG: Opinions You Should Read

The Post-Gazette editorial board comes out in favor of a Florida ruling that the state law banning LGBT adoption is unconstitutional.  Let us take a moment to be grateful here in Pennsylvania that we are not fighting back a similar ban or another round of marriage amending garbage (not yet).  Pennsylvania has 20,000+ children in […]

LGBT Blogger and Citizens Journalist Initiative – Day One

It has been a busy day in the big city for us.  The Initiative is just … really cool sums it up best.  The majority of yesterday's inconveniences were forgotten in the many small nifty things that we experienced today.  I met Pam Spaulding and Autumn Sandeen from Pam's House Blend.  Jake Kaskey from Equality […]

Blogging Summit: The Preview

It is the eve of the LGBT Blogging Initiative/Summit in Washington, DC and what fun we've had getting here.  I was late getting out of work so we got really behind leaving Pgh.  We made it to the kennel with literally 6 minutes to spare before they closed.  We drove through snow in the Laurel […]

Prop 8 – The Musical

I can't make the embedding work so please go see this video

Is Flabbergasted a Second or Third Wave Queer Advocacy Term?

From yet another excellent City Paper piece by Marty Levine about the Anti-Prop 8 rally comes this quote from moi: And local leaders “are not capitalizing” yet on the post-Prop 8 enthusiasm for LGBT causes, says Sue Kerr, who blogs locally with Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents. “Maybe they didn't realize what was going to happen at […]

Steel City Stonewall Announces Membership Meeting

Here's an important upcoming meeting. Note that this is one day prior to the Mayor's mtg and an excellent opportunity to discuss nominations for the Advisory Council as well as any process issues.  A planned agenda item is recruitment for Steel City.  As I've said before, I think this is one of the most important […]

Update on Domestic Registry

According to the City of Pittsburgh – Department of Personnel re: the Domestic Partner Registry signed into law June 2008: There are six partners that have applied for the registry.  Out of the six, five are same sex and 1 is opposite sex. I assume she meant six sets of partners or six couples (12 […]