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Join the Impact – Pittsburgh!

UPDATE:  Photos now included.    Wow.  Pittsburgh turned out a crowd of more than 500 people (independent counts, not the organizers) in the Oakland area of town to protest the passage of California Prop 8 and demand equal rights for LGBTQ families.  What began as a loosely organized effort turned into a large crowd of […]

Moon Area Schools approva GSA; Dont’ Forget Today’s Protest

From the PG comes word that Moon Area Schools have approved the formation of a Gay-Straight Alliance among another new officially sanctioned clubs.  The approvals were unanimous on all of the groups except the new one, which was opposed by director Mark Limbruner. “I voted no to the Gay-Straight Alliance because the club will be […]

Lt. Governor Catherine Baker Knoll has died

From the Post-Gazette: HARRISBURG — Lt. Gov. Catherine Baker Knoll has died, the governor's office announced tonight. Mrs. Knoll, 78, had battled a rare form of cancer. Earlier today, Mr. Rendell had reported that Mrs. Knoll remained in a rehab center and was continuing her “rough and difficult fight” against the cancer. Mrs. Knoll died […]

Join the Impact Pittsburgh Hits Snags

Just got word this morning that someone from Erie took charge of the Pittsburgh “Join the Impact” effort and relocated it to Oakland ???? I have had no response to my inquiries so I don't know why someone would do that three days before the event, especially after all the PR previously directing people to […]

Upcoming Trans Events in Pittsburgh

From my friend, Dr. Emilia Lombardi comes word of some events that may interest you.  Unfortunately, due to a death in our family, Ledcat and I will not be able to attend.  I would like to hear more. Thurs. Nov. 13th 7-9pmTrans Town Hall meetingUniversity of PittsburghAlumni Hall Rm. 562On fifth ave between Lytton ave […]

Protest Pittsburgh: Join a Nationwide Prop 8 Protest this Saturday

Here's your chance to be part of the nationwide outrage over the passage of California's Proposition 8 which amends the state constitution to limit marriage between a man and a woman.  11/15/08.  Join your queer brothers and sisters, and our allies, this Saturday, November 15, at the City County Building at 1:30 PM.   From Join the […]

One year

John was my friend since I was 14 and he was 19 when his mother moved next door to my parents.  He was this amazing man and I miss him a lot.  I miss his smart-ass comments, his willingness to get down on the floor with the pets, his pleasure over a simple meal and […]

Open Invitation to local LGBTQ leaders from the Gay & Lesbian Community Center

 *Dear GLBT Community Leader:* As you probably have heard, the building housing the Gay & Lesbian Community Center of Pittsburgh (GLCC) at Forward and Murray as well as the former Poli's Restaurant and the Forward Theatre building are under agreement with a proposal to demolish the buildings to make way for a private hotel/retail development. […]

PG Saturday Diary: A Proud Father, Gay African-American and future minister speaks

Be sure to read this piece from the Post-Gazette Saturday diary: In this miracle we call America, my own life is a testament to promises made, and kept. I studied and worked hard. I have a good job. I worked in Congress for a well-known senator as the Reagan revolution began, one of only a […]