Post-Gazette Accepts Anti-Obama Ad for Monday’s newspaper bags

Monday's Post-Gazette will show up on your doorstep swathed in “Vote for Freedom … Defeat Obama” ad on the little bag in which the paper is delivered.  I confirmed this over the telephone with the Post-Gazette's customer service department this morning.  That's pretty shameless. I understand the line between editorial content (they endorsed Obama) and advertising […]

Steel City update – bar crawl and election info you need to know

Lots of good information here.  I still haven't had any feedback from local Dems on the PG linkages of Rob McCord with Wall Street.  Also, while Jason Altmire does support ENDA, he was willing to vote for the non-inclusive version.  Of course, it is a no brainer that he is better than Melissa Hart, but […]

4 days …

As I've written, I have election fatigue.  Tony Norman persuaded me that Obama “has this” so I'm sort of lacking in the last minute urgency department, probably b/c I have urgent stuff happening on a personal level and there's only so much urgency to go aroud.  Intellectually, I have some sense of guilt when I […]

Happy Birthday, Mum!

Today is my mum's 66th birthday or, as we like to say, her 1year anniversary of being eligible for ACCESS.  She's an ACCESS goddess now.  

Various Updates

Here's a good site for an update on Prop 8, the California amendment that would make gay marriage illegal. Pam's House Blend has an interesting post about Barack Obama's Caucasian family. From PageOneQ:     And, finally, this from the Bay Area Reporter's Political IQ column:   I'm not joking when I say we need […]

Electile Dysfunction: Wagner and Peduto?

Due to my radiator malfunction in Uptown during the afternoon, I was unable to attend the Electile Dysfunction event last night.  Missing Lynn Cullen was a definite downer.  Spending hundreds for the repair is another.  Sigh.  I keep repeating that I got luck enough to be able to pull into a parking space before the […]

LGBTQ positive letter to the editor

This ran in Thursday's PG.  Kudso to Lee Marcuzzi of Shaler for noting a LGBTQ positive story.  What a wonderful article. (“Taking center stage,” Oct. 23.) It is so refreshing to see an article about drag queens and kings that is not biased and discusses the true talent and work that these performances require. As […]

Here’s One Way to Keep Warm …


Another local queer blog

h/t to local writer Jane Muder for pointing out another local queer blog …. written by OUT publisher Tony Molnar-Strejcek. It is more of a personal blog than a newsy blog, but it is good to have another perspective on life in queer Pittsburgh out there.  I had suggested to Jane that it would be […]