Young Lesbian Aspires to Help Community

This little item in the Valley Independent caught my eye. Abigail Begandy doesn't mind marching to the beat of her own drum. Begandy, 16, a junior at Ringgold High School, recently was sworn in as a junior firefighter for the Monongahela Fire Department. She was sworn in Oct. 7 and became the department's third female […]

Am I naive about the Wagner/Peduto pairing?

This came across my desk about 14 times last week: Invitation Please join Councilman Bill Peduto &State Representative Chelsa Wagner for “The Life of the Party”Halloween Party feat. live music by The Old E AllstarsDJ Omar Abdul Friday, October 31 from 8 to 11 PM The Grand Hall at The Priory614 Pressley Street, Northside Cost […]

Win Free Tickets to Catie Curtis!

The Pittsburgh Women's Blogging Society is giving away a pair of free tickets for her November show and a CD to one lucky reader.  Check it out!  The contest is not open to members of The Society, sorry!

Layout Changes

Check out our right hand column for some updates and changes.  – The LGBT for Obama Button – Buttons to oppose the anti-gay marriage amendments in Arizona and California – Mini flyer to the upcoming Political Pundits show hosted by Gab Bonesso and featuring what is like my dream table for a dinner party — […]

Quiet on the Lesbian Front

Been a little quiet of late, huh?  Well, I just received a job offer that has me very busily trying to wrap up old business and prepare for the new.  I have a four week buffer where I'll have one foot in each job.  It is an opportunity of which I could not dream a […]

A little election fatigue

I feel a bit fatigued, to be honest with you.  Obviously, I'm tired of the ads and the 27 minutes of media coverage during a 30 minute program.  But I'm also getting tired of my political friends.  I get at least a dozen Facebook invitations to rally after get out the vote campaign after fundraiser.  […]

Live Blogging from Sleep-In for the Homeless

Tonight, I'll be live blogging from the Sleep-In for the Homeless down at the City-County Building over at the Pittsburgh Women's Blogging Society.  Surf over and see what's going on.

I Love the Gays!

Recently in the Burghosphere …

It seems that three popular blogs have decided to close up shop.  You probably read something about in the PG a few weeks ago.  I've peeked at the commentary and heard some of the reasoning.  I can appreciate that folks want to invest their time and energies into something more personally fulfilling.  I can also […]

Bruce, Jason and Smores: A Lesbian Evening

Tonight, Ledcat and I rolled up Route 28 to a bonfire sponsored by the Steel City Stonewall Democrats.  There were hot dogs (and veggie dogs).  There was a real dog for petting purposes.  There were smores (two pronged marshmellow roasters!). There was plenty of beverage.  And, I am pleased to report, there was more than […]