Episcopals and Closeted Gays

Two articles in today's Post-Gazette caught my attention. First, the ongoing drama  of the Pittsburgh Episcopals.  First, the local diocese decides to vote themselves off the American Episcopal Church island over the ordination of woman and gays.  A few Pittsburgh churches stay on the island.  Then the island itself (American Church – stay with me) […]

Pittsburgh Pundits – Sexism, Ageism, Racism, Politics & Comedy

Knowing this group, homophobia will be part of the conversation.  Right, John? Pittsburgh Pundits presents…Sexism, Ageism, Racism, Politics & Comedy! Pittsburgh Comedian and TV/Radio Political Pundit John McIntire leads a Pittsburgh cast of political and socially conscious comics and pundits in a combination comedy/political analysis show. Some would suggest there's a thin line between what's […]

Voter Registration: October 6 is the deadline

Have you registered anyone to vote in this election?  A friend, a comrade, a work buddy, your godmother, the neighbor, the dog walker, the fence sitter, the guy on the corner, etc?  Here's the link to the PA Voter Information page.   http://www.votespa.com/   All you need to know.  Now, if you are looking for some guidance […]

Pittsburgh Lesbian & Gay Film Society prepares for festival

I love that we have this cool film festival every year and always feel bad for missing most of the films.  I think we managed to get to two last year.  We did not like the after-party at the Cheesecake Factory so I think we'll skip that this year.  It must be very hard to […]

i hate bronchitis, but 311 is sorta okay

thank goodness my doctor told me to go home and stay in bed AFTER the electricity came back on.  we may only get four channels, but if i had to lay here in the dark without being able to see what Jack, Carly, Holden and Lily are doing … i hate bronchitis. i hate the […]

Still Lesbians. Still in the dark.

Arrggg.  We'll cross the 48 hour mark tonight and word on the street is that we may have to wait until FRIDAY.  It is all rumor b/c distributing information seems to be a big weak spot in the world of Duquesne Light.  All of this — all of this — would be much better if we […]

Lesbians After Dark

So, Sunday was great.  The air was cool, we get a ton of house stuff done and even snuck away for ice cream in the middle of the afternoon.  Game time rolls around and we make good on a mutual promise to attack the giant pile of laundry that seems to have mutated in our […]

Tina Fey as Sarah Palin

I waited all day for this, enduring a meal at TGI Fridays (blaa) and a movie at the Waterfront (why must there be so many non-movie related distractions in one giant place?).  Then we rushed home, jumped into our jammies and saw this.  It is hilarious:  

Books, Dinner on the Southside and Other Queer Stuff

Leading off tonight, a thoughtful post from The Bilerico Project about the 12 most significant books for the lesbian and gay community (his term).  I've read one – the Bible.  And I have to stay that I am absolutely stunned that Middlesex did not make the cut.  It is a phenomenal novel.  I'm adding the […]

Update from Steel City Stonewall

Some news from our friends at Steel City.  Two ways for you to get involved. A movie night at Cattivo and a Bonfire.  How fun is that!  I haven't done a bonfire in years and years.  Ironically, I was moaning to Lance about the events all being in smoking venues.  Lo and behold, an actual […]