PG reader sets the record straight on Sexual History 101

PG reader sets the record straight on Sexual History 101

Matthew Fusina of Franklin Park seems a little fed up. A little foray into the fascinating world of sexual history would reveal that our “[recently] corrupted society” has, in fact, been corrupt at least since the dawn of recorded history. Before Mr. Davis makes such broad historical generalizations in the future, I would encourage him […]

Janet Edwards: Lesbian marriage trial update

Janet Edwards:  Lesbian marriage trial update

Three of five charges against the Reverend Janet Edwards have been dropped.  A trial on the two remaining charges, brought for performing a marriage ceremony for a local lesbian couple, will proceed in October 2008.  More than 30 observers attended. Most, if not all, were supporters of the Rev. Edwards. During a recess they gathered […]

The Meaning of Lila …. offensive or ridiculous?

My highly confidential informant found the offending strip.  It is called “The Meaning of Lila” and it is a silly little attempt to translate “Will and Grace” onto the funny pages.  The challenges of extrapolating the gay guy/girlfriend routine are many and Lila makes the classic mistake of assuming she's “in” the group.  Yes, Lila drops the […]

Gay Slur in Post-Gazette Comic Section?

Gay Slur in Post-Gazette Comic Section?

I caught this letter to the editor Thursday and have no idea which strip used the term “homo” recently.  Anyone? I am writing to express my disgust that you would publish, in the comic section, a cartoon with well-known slur (homo: “Offensive slang for a gay or lesbian person,” American Heritage Dictionary) as part of […]

Breaking News: Shields and Kraus Propose City Domestic Partner Registry

Breaking News:  Shields and Kraus Propose City Domestic Partner Registry

Update:  The Pittsburgh City Paper's Melissa Meinzer and Chris Potter do a really good job with this story on the CP's website.  Good example of how web based media serves the CP readership.  And you.  I contacted Shields' office and encountered a reluctance to work with a blogger which was disappointing as I worked very […]

Four Funny Females – Not So Much

Four Funny Females – Not So Much

I have to admit I was disappointed when Ledcat and I rolled out of Slapsticks last night, after catching their “Four Funny Females” show.  It should rightfully have been called “Some Kinda Amusing Ladies, a Gal with Potential and Gab.” Harsh?  Eh. Slapsticks is located on Library road just moments from the intersection with Saw […]



Mike Seate of the Tribune Review posits some new additions to Pittsburgh's lexicon.  One of these is the term “gaybee” referring to children parented by gay people. Huh.  Funny?  I like this one: Recent Square:  Person who moves from suburbs to Regent Square and immediately adopts the heavily pierced, thrift-store fashion sense of local hipsters. […]

Ellen DeGeneres and the Founding Fathers

Ellen DeGeneres and the Founding Fathers

Craig Galik of Duquesne is not pleased.  Apparently, when he tunes in to the Ellen DeGeneres show, he doesn't expect to see any lesbian claptrap. Imagine his horror when Ellen spoke about her plans to marry partner, Portia De Rossi.  On television.  In front of viewers.  Gay stuff.  Either Craig is the only person on […]

Blogging is a lesbian thing

Blogging is a lesbian thing

You probably saw the giant face and know that we have a new dog.  I've been blogging like mad about her over at But the LGBTQ worlds needs some attention, too. First up, the latest letter to the editor in the Post-Gazette. Jay Jarrell of McMurray drags out the arguments that marriage is about […]

Ana’s Big Day

Ana is here.  Check out her first lesbian adventures at