Faith in Faith

This comes from (New York City) A priest who attempted to protect a 21 year old transwoman from four teens who were hitting and verbally harassing her was beaten in front of a shelter for gay and trans young people. The teens were pelting Alessandra-Michelle Carver with garbage and yelling transphobic insults outside the […]

A Really Cool Thing at The Quiet Storm

So tonight I scheduled a business meeting at The Quiet Storm who have been really nice to my work avatar — donating to our foster parent dinner, handling our meetings, etc.  So I brought three new people in for dinner and two were very excited — had always wanted to try it and never made […]

Dyke March Pittsburgh DIY

Obama and Faith Based Anything: I Knew It!

Color me not surprised by this little pronouncement from Mr. Theocracy. Reaching out to evangelical voters, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is announcing plans that would expand President Bush's program steering federal social service dollars to religious groups and – in a move sure to cause controversy – support their ability to hire and fire […]

Lez Reunite

It really isn't that there's a dearth of LGBTQ news to analyze and share.  I'm just not feeling it lately.  I have this weird kidney thing going on (not diabetes related at all, thank god) and I basically drag myself out of bed every single day feeling like a dishrag.  The one you tossed into […]

Things That Matter

Tonight, Ledcat and I visited our nephew at Children's Hospital.  He has pneumonia. He is 10 weeks old.  He looked good. He was cooing and wriggly and hungry and breathing well.  His parents have been on a round robin for days now, juggling his needs with the care of their toddler.  Tomorrow, we'll be with […]

Lauren Weedman, Goddess of Funny

Yesterday, Ledcat and I were trotting up Liberty Avenue to grab some dinner with our friends Tom and Harry after wrapping up our PrideFest activities when I saw her.  Sitting at the City Theatre table.  Actually, I saw the sign first “Meet Lauren Weedman, Goddess of All that is Funny and Smokin Hot” or something like […]

Highlights of My Pride

The Dyke March.  Was. Awesome.  I was very impressed with how well the ladies pulled off a switch from Oakland to the Downtown area.  From our vantage, the event was smooth and made quite an impact on the multitude of downtowners watching us march past.  I think the switch was good and added more visibility […]

I’m proud of Gab

Gab is having a comedy show at Club Cafe on Saturday night at 10 PM.  It is not an official Pride event, but Gab is part of the emcee lineup at PrideFest and a long-time supporter of many, many queer organizations. She's also a local comedian. If you need a good laugh and can appreciate edgy humor, […]