Registry Plans Update

According to the office of Councilman Bruce Kraus, the Domestic Partner Registry legislation will be signed by Luke with a swishy flair at Pride events over the weekend.  (I added the part about the swishy flair.  Kraus' staff were more professional).  I love this.  Luke opposes civil unions, but somehow gets to be the Mayor […]

I changed my mind

Anonymous comments are welcome again.  Thanks, Peg, for reminding me what's important.  Bring it on, Anonymous. 

PG story on regional gay rural life

Great story from the Post-Gazette People labeled Patrick Arena “a fairy” early on. As the only boy in tap classes at the Vella School of Dance in Washington, Pa., in the 1960s, he was taunted and whispered about. “Truth was, I knew I was gay, but I certainly wouldn't admit it,” says Mr. Arena, 57, […]

Change to comments

I have turned off the feature that permits people to post comments anonymously.  Sue

Resistry Approved; Other Stuff

City Council approved plans to create a domestic partner registry 7-1.  Now we await the Mayor's signature.  Here's the full PG story. On a personal note, Ledcat and I are one of five same-sex couples receiving domestic partner benefits through the City.  Five.  That underwhelms me.  Five.  Seriously?  That would seem to warrant a second […]

Pride Highlights … Pittsburgh 2008

Happy PrideWeek.  'Tis a momentous week indeed to celebrate Pride as today at 5:01 PM local time will mark the first legal same sex marriages in California.  Here in Pittsburgh our civil rights successes are more modest, namely beating back an anti-gay marriage amendment and actually having legislation introduced on the state level to expand […]

Lambda Foundation — 25 Proud Years!

I recently interviewed Lambda Foundation Executive Director Anne Bowman about the 25th anniversary of the Foundation.  25 years is quite a milestone in gay history and the well-being of our community foundation is something to be mindful of as we celebrate our way through June.  To purchase tickets for the Joan Rivers event, click here. Thank […]

Domestic Registry Passes First Hurdle

As reported by the PG web-edition, City Council gave a thumbs up on the first vote for the domestic partner registry.  The lone naysayer was the Reverend Ricky Burgess.  Final vote will be next week.  No word on how the Mayor feels about all this registry stuff, but it appears veto proof at this stage of […]

Its a great day to be asthmatic in Pennsylvania …

From the Post-Gazette: The state Senate this afternoon voted, 41-9, in favor of a bill that bans smoking in many public places. The House already had passed the bill, so now it goes to Gov. Ed Rendell for his signature. What a great day.  Now if we can only convince people who are addicted to […]

PG reader sets the record straight on Sexual History 101

Matthew Fusina of Franklin Park seems a little fed up. A little foray into the fascinating world of sexual history would reveal that our “[recently] corrupted society” has, in fact, been corrupt at least since the dawn of recorded history. Before Mr. Davis makes such broad historical generalizations in the future, I would encourage him […]