Gab Bonesso is My Friend and Man, Is She a Funny Woman

The Correspondents love Gab.  She's funny and smart and plays a mean game of Trouble.    Anyhoo, Gab has gathered up the four funny women in Pittsburgh for what promises to be a very cool show on Saturday, May 31, 2008.  This is my favorite kind of show.  Women. Non-smoking.  Saturday night.  And $10 tickets.  […]

Correction on the Campaign Event for Luke Ravenstahl

I have been informed that individuals invited to the LGBT luncheon with Luke Ravenstahl are not being required to make a campaign contribution.  They are invited to do so, as their discretion. I don't know all the ins and outs of these sort of invitations, so I'm going to take this information at its word.  […]

Another Pro Homo Letter to the Editor

From Tuesday's Post-Gazette.  Always good to read a hit-the-nail-on-the-head letter. Like letter writer Kim Winbush (“Let's Keep Discrimination Out of the Pa. Constitution,” May 16), I too was happy to see the Pennsylvania Senate table the Marriage Protection Amendment. This brazen attempt to pander to the theocratic aims of the religious right must be opposed […]

Luke and the Gay Luncheon … You Knew There Was More To The Story …

As we discussed earlier in the week, plans are underway for LGBT “supporters of Luke” to get together with him over lunch to discuss LGBT issues.  A few key LGBT designated leaders have been invited.  This was confirmed by local LGBT business owner and chair of the Delta Foundation, Gary Van Horn, in the comments […]

Ulf, Canine Cop, Responsible for Every Civil Rights Violation in the History of Pittsburgh

What's more important for local social justice – the stability of the Thomas Merton Center or the culpability of a dead police dog?  I'd like to ask Carole Weidmann that question.  Carole's pants were ripped during an anti-war protest a few years ago and the culprit may have been Ulf, the dog who was shot […]

City-County Merger: Here’s The Homosexual Agenda

Simply put, we cannot support this merger until we have two guarantees. First, we must have the County pass legislation ensuring our civil rights are preserved.  Right now, those of us who live or work in the City are assured protections based on our sexual orientation and gender identity.  At the Big Gay Chat last spring, sponsored […]

And the award for best lesbian commentary on a police issue goes to …

Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents!  Or PLC as the Post-Gazette's Cutting Edge feature referred to us.  The lesbians are not amused.  Pgh Lesbian is an appropriate abbreviation.  PLC sounds like an 80's one-hit-wonder smushed with a bureaucratic acronym. It is curious that 2 Political Junkies was featured for a LGBT comment whereas we get the nod for […]

Happy Birthday, Ledcat!

Today is Ledcat's birthday and she gets to spend it at a dinner for my work.  Wow!  That's love, folks.  Last night, I threw her a surprise party at Hoi Polloi on the Northside and it was awesome with a capital AWE.  Jessica, Sandra, Daniel, Christopher and Julian did a great job prepping for the […]

California – Why We Cannot Rest On Their Laurels

What's good news for Californian queers may mean the battle over same-sex marriage heats up again in Pennsylvania as the anti-gay marriage amendment backers put on the pressure to revive that legislation. They argue that predictions of courts overruling state DOMA laws has come true and call the Pennsylvania House to gird their loins for […]

The Vault: Thy Status is Questioned

Wow … rumors abound on the recent closure of The Vault.  I've had word from “the investors” claiming they closed for a few days because the staff resigned and new staff must be found.  Will The Vault reopen or is this sort of like The Vault-lite with whipped cream and everything?  Will the lesbian friendly […]