Cattivo and Dozen Bake Shop — Lesbians on the Town

Saturday night, we finally had a chance to stop by Cattivo for some conversation and dinner with our friends, Emilia and Jessi.  We braved the weather and headed for Lawrenceville where we were early enough to snag a good parking spot.  Cattivo is a fine place for a bar.  It was clean and the service […]

OUTrageous Bingo this weekend …

I love this graphic.

The GLCC Newsletter is Out

We received our current issue of the GLCC News this past week after what seems like a long hiatus.  Is it just me or has it been awhile?  Maybe its just me.  I really look forward to this connection with the Community Center.  The professional quality just keeps getting better and I really like that. […]

As the World Gayly Turns — PG feature

Hey everybody!  Something involving a c-file got all screwed up and our blog has been down for a few days.  However, thanks to my trusty bloghost Geoff at Radio Left, things are shipshape again. Today's Post-Gazette included an AP story on the current gay storyline on soap opera, As The World Turns, featuring a young gay […]

WTAE defends transinclusive coverage

In this week's City Paper, WTAE defends their coverage of a story involving the river rescue of a woman who happened to be trans.  They, along with just about every other local media outlet, were taken to task by local activists and allies for making the gender identity of the individual being rescued the story in lieu […]

Myron Cope – the Lesbian Connection

Yoi.  Ledcat caught the story on her way out the door this morning.  God rest his soul.  There's a much loved family connection to Myron Cope.  My great-grandfather, Gil Remley, was the sports editor for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (and the business manager for the Homestead Grays).  Family lore has that he gave Myron his first […]

Lesbians MIA?

What a week.  I'm supposed to be on vacation.  So far, I've spent 8 hours in the ER with my grandma, 4 more hours in a skilled care facility (she's going to be fine).  I've had contractors zipping, sawing and hammering away for about 16 hours.  I spent 12 hours christening our new bathroom due […]

Local Presbyterian Minister Again Faces Charges for Lesbian Wedding

From today's Post-Gazette: A Presbyterian minister whose 2006 church trial for conducting a lesbian marriage ceremony ended with dismissal on a technicality says she has again been brought up on the same charges. The Rev. Janet Edwards, parish associate at the inter-denominational Community of Reconciliation in Oakland, said that an investigating committee of Pittsburgh Presbytery […]

Queerty on Obama’s Gay Backers

In honor of my new friend Kris Rust, here's a look at what some prominent queers are saying about their support for Obama.  It is an interesting read.  But note that all three interviewees are men.  I”m still looking for input from lesbian Obama supporters.

This week, intrepid City Paper reporter and friend to the average queer, Melissa Meinzer explores the ramifications of Rebecca Hare's rescue from a rising river and the media free for all around her gender identity.  While it is fairly self-evident that Pittsburgh's media botched coverage of this story and that Rebecca's gender was not relevant […]