Foundation for Moral Law to Challenge PA Hate Crimes Statute

Guess who is rolling into town?  Former Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore and his posse of homo hatin' legal eagles.  Moore, you may recall, wanted to slather Alabama Courthouses with the 10 Commandments.  Ironically, he's narrowed his focus to homosexuals, a group noticeably absent from said Commandments.  Hmmm.  I guess he's moved on to Leviticus.  Anyhoo, […]

“Marriage Protection Amendment” revitalized in PA Senate

It is back.  According to Equality Advocates, the legislation to start the constitutional amendment process roared back to life on Valentine's Day.  Just yesterday, SB 1250, the “Marriage Protection Amendment,” was published and referred to the Judiciary Committee in the Senate.  There are 17 co-sponsors, the same number as last time.  Four Republican Senators who […]

Local Trans Advocate Pens Letter to the Post-Gazette

Here's further evidence of the “Pittsburgh is a good place to be queer” mantra that I've oft repeated.  In response to the recent media coverage of the rescue of Rebecca Hare, longtime trans advocate Dr. Emilia Lombardi shares her thoughts with the readers of the Post-Gazette.  Lombardi praises Pittsburgh's first-responders for their sensitivity to Hare's […]

Steel-City Stonewall 2008 Slate and Board Elections

Now is the time to get involved.  Go to for information on how to join so you can vote for the new members of the Board AND the slate for 2008.  I just like to rhyme slate and 2008.  It has been a long day.  What can I say? Here's the press release for […]

Pittsburgh LGBT Coffee House Bar Closes

Just got word from a reader that the Tuscany Cafe, a Southside gay mecca for a decade or so, has unexpectedly closed. He reports that he stopped by per his usual routine on Saturday afternoon and found a note taped to the door thanking patrons for their business and indicating they (the owners) would see them […]

Media Outs Transwoman

In his brand spanking new blog, Slag Heap, the man called Potter critiques media coverage of the recent rescue of Rebecca Hare from being ensnared in the Allegheny River.  Rebecca, who is homeless, had been staying along the riverside of the David Lawrence Convention Center and became trapped.  She was rescued thanks to an astute […]

I was for Edwards. Now what?

I am seriously flummoxed by the decision to be made — Obama or Clinton.  A lot of my progressive friends are very pro-Obama.  And I find that I *want* to be on his team, too.  But I just can't make the leap.  Thanks to Steel City Stonewall Democrats for links to some comparisons on LGBTQ […]

Shout to Gertude Stein Club … just because

I haven't blogged about the Gertrude Stein Political Club of Greater Pittsburgh in a long while.  Their next meeting is on Valentine's Day at 7 PM at the United Cerebal Palsy space in Oakland.  Follow the weblink for more specifics. This is a nifty little organization that hangs in tenaciously to ensure that pro-LGBT (among […]

Big Gay Meeting: What Happened?

The Delta Foundation meeting took place on Tuesday evening.  Reports range from 50-150 people in attendance.  Some of the feedback I've heard:  – The Delta Foundation claimed it was the first town hall meeting for Pittsburgh's GLBT community.  Surely, that just cannot be the case.  I know that Voices for a New Tomorrow held similar […]

Trib Readers Continue to Debate Marriage

There's been quite a little exchange going on at the Tribune Review with readers from New York City with Pgh roots defending the homosexuals and folks from Jeannette and Squirrel Hill condeming us.  The latest round features a January 25 letter from New York explaining how anti-gay rhetoric impacts his family: Growing up Catholic and […]