Big Gay Meeting Tomorrow: I Can’t Go

Tomorrow, the Delta Foundation hosts the latest incarnation of a Pittsburgh Queer Town Hall Meeting.  It is at 7 PM at One Mellon Center.  You should go.  Find out what's happening.  I have to work, so I'll be relying on you to report out to the community.   

One Teeny Update on Will of Council and State Marriage Amendment

As you recall from Tuesday, City Council voted 7-0 to support state legislation including “sexual orientation” and “gender identity/gender expression” into the classes protected under the PA Human Relations Act.  Motznik and Payne were out of the room during the vote, hence the 7. My sources tell me that both Motznik and Payne co-sponsored this […]

Live Blogging My Tuesday Afternoon

3:15 PM Leave office and drop promotional literature off at several local businesses.  Buy King Cake to share with office on Wednesday.  4:00 PM Arrive at Hoi Polloi.  Artfully distribute promotional literature.  Meet Jessica's other brother.  Realize lack of eating since dinner on Monday so order curried pumpkin soup and grilled cheese sandwich.  4:15 PM […]

“Will of Council” on Anti-Discrimination Legislation Passes 7-0

From my ace source comes word that the legislation endorsing the statewide effort to include sexual orientation and gender identity/expression in the Human Relations Act passed 7-0.  Motznik and Payne weren't in the room and didn't vote.  Deasy asked to be added as a cosponsor, offering that he was behind on his email as a […]

I’m a blog addict …

81%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?

Update from City Council: Two Members not so “Willing” to support the gay community

From our friends at Steel City Stonewall Democrats comes word that 7 out of 9 members of City Council have agreed to support the proposed “Will of Council” which essentially gives a big thumbs up to state legislation that would include “sexual orientation” and gender identity and expression” as protected classes under the Human Relations Act.  […]

Prove the AFA of PA right!

Diane Gramley might be a bit worried about how awesome you guys have been about calling your State Senators to oppose the  so-called protection of marriage amendment.  Here's what she shared with me today: Senator Michael Brubaker is looking for co-sponsors of SB 1250, the Marriage Protection Amendment bill.  Click here for a news release […]

The PA Gay Marriage Amendment: Be Vigilant

In today's Tribune Review, I found ample evidence of the need for our entire community and our allies to remain vigilant.  It is a simple letter to the editor and I'm sure no one is surprised to read a pro-Catholic/anti-gay marriage letter there.  Nonetheless, this letter isn't guised as some hysterical screed invoking horrific images […]

Doug Shields Introduces “Will of Council” in support of statewide LGBT discrimination protections

Just got word that City Council President Doug Shields will introduce a “Will of the Council” on Tuesday that will express the Council's support of HB 1400 which, along with SB 761, will amend the PA Human Relations Act to include “sexual orientation” and “gender identity or expression” as protected classes. From Council President Shields' […]

LGBT Family Diversity Festival