Filled with GLEE – LGBT social networking site

Today's PG gave me the heads up on a new social networking phenomenon, GLEE – Gay, Lesbian & Everyone Else.  I have a little MySpace page which I rarely use.  I also have a Facebook page that has proven more useful in reconnecting with old friends and a lot easier to use.  Then, there is […]

No longer a Vagina Monologues virgin

Saturday night, Ledcat and I caught a local performance of The Vagina Monologues at the City Theater. It was bloggers night. I snatched two tickets as soon as word hit the Internet.  Clearly, this was the perfect occasion for Ledcat and I to see the show that pretty much defines your feminist street cred.  Overall, […]

Operation Sappho this Saturday

Homophobia Disguised as Religious Bias Claim Tossed Out

Mellon fired an employee, in part due to his disrespectful treatment of his LGBTQ coworkers and in part due to his inappropriate work behavior.  The employee, Avraham Schwartzberg of Squirrel Hill, filed a lawsuit claiming he was discriminated against because of his religion; he's an Orthodox Jew.  He was a member of the company's group […]

What’s Going On? Bingo. Not Much Otherwise

“That's a good thing, right?” responds Ledcat to my plaintive wail that there is nothing to blog about.  “No one is smearing local bar owners or other crap like that, right?” She's got a point.  OUTrageous Bingo is debuting at its new Oakland home of Rodef Shalom.  7 PM Saturday.  Be there or be (an […]

Former Mellon a good place for gays to work. Plus, other stuff.

From the Post-Gazette we learn: The former Mellon Financial Corp. was recognized by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, a gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender civil rights organization, as one of the “Best Places to Work for GLBT Equality.” Last year, Mellon merged with the Bank of New York, which did not make the list ( […]

Steel City Stonewall Democrats Statement on Hijacked Email

Earlier today, someone apparently hacked into the website of the Steel City Stonewall Democrats and sent a very strange rumor out that a local LGBTQ businessowner is a rightwing Republican along with the thinly veiled suggestion that patronizing those businesses would fill the coffers of George Bush.  Something like that. It took me about two minutes […]

GLCC launches new email blast

For those of you who want to stay in the loop of what's happening at Pittsburgh's Gay & Lesbian Community Center, check out the new GLCC email blast.  You can subscribe.  Another great email resource is the Queer Events List with over 500 subscribers.  Join both!  Sure, you'll get some duplication, but it is worth […]

Text of Bruce Kraus’ Address Upon His Swearing In

Speech given by Bruce Kraus, Pittsburgh's first openly gay City Councilmember, upon his swearing in on January 7, 2008. “All of us might wish at times that we lived in a more tranquil world, but we don’t. And if our times are difficult and perplexing, so are they challenging and filled with opportunity.” Robert Kennedy  These […]

Peace be with you, but not you.

Dolores S. Jarrell of Peters takes umbrage with a PG Op/Ed critiquing Pope Benedict's priorities of peace. Michael Kerlin's “In Search of Peace?” (Dec. 30 Forum) was filled with more than its share of animus. He reported trembling at the “implications” of the pope's peace message, “The Human Family, A Community of Peace”; suggested parallels […]