Changes to the blogroll

A few additions: Pleasantly Furious Revelations – Dr. Goddess Pittsburgh Pist-Gazette And one farewell.  Pittsburgh's Gay Blog has shut down.  Best wishes to Mozarti and here's hoping other members of the local LGBT community might try to fill those shoes. 

Giant Eagle’s War on Christmas?

(h/t Pam's House Blend) Apparently, Giant Eagle hates Christmas and has taken active steps to stomp it into oblivion.  This according to the Liberty Counsel's latest “Friend or Foe” list of retailers who adopt a secular holiday advertising approach.  Liberty Counsel bills itself as a public interest First Amendment law firm.  Founder Mat Staver claims that […]

PA Court Says Expansion of Hate Crimes Law Unconstitutional

Not much time to blog tonight, but you should know about this.  The Commonwealth Court struck down language that expanded hate-crimes legal protections for persons based on sexual orientation and physical disability.  Repent America and beloved psycho-Christian Michael Macavage took the Legislature to task for adding these protections onto an agricultural bill. Here's what Pam […]

When Lesbians Don’t Weep

Early Saturday morning, my friend of 23 years died.  He was 41 years old.  I received the call Saturday and I cried all the way home from the training I was co-facilitating.  Note: co-facilitators come in handy when your friends die.  Out of the past four days, I've cried about three hours give or take.  […]

HandMade Arcade: Cool Crafts or Conspicuous Creation?

Ledcat and I rolled into Point Breeze today for the Handmade Arcade which is giant fair of handmade stuff held at Construction Junction. Last year, I enjoyed the event with a few reservations, most notably about my number one bitch — gigunda baby strollers.  This year, the event was spread over two days and we intentionally […]

The loss of a friend

Yesterday, I received word that a long-time friend had passed away early in the morning.  I was stunned because I hadn't realized that he was that critically ill.  I was horrified because I had let so much of our contact lapse over the past few years.  As the day progressed, I was anguished as an […]

My Holiday Shopping

This year, I want the Complete First Season of Maude on DVD.  Last year, I got the Complete First and Second Seasons of Family.  I remember being scared of Maude as a child.  She seemed kind of mean and the long flowing 70's frocks struck terror in my child heart.  But she also seemed cool […]

Ennui at Lesbian Central

What to blog about?  I'm sort of all politicked out what with the election and ENDA.  I did get a missive from the AFA of PA informing me that Christian bookstores must now hire homosexuals.  Sigh.  But it didn't seem worth fretting over.  So here's some light stuff … Take a poll on your favorite […]

The Morning After … Debra Todd, ENDA and

I'm sure by now you've made the rounds of the usual suspects … Comet, Burgher, Junkies, McIntire, Smoke Ball … I could go on and on …. frankly, I didn't have the gumption to drag my ass out of bed any earlier than usual to Wednesday morning quarterback the election — with a gay twist.  […]

Does He or Does He Not? Gay Leaders Remain Mum on Ravenstahl and Civil Unions

10 a.m. at Lesbian Central and I'm taking a coffee break to review the blogs as we head into election day …the Burgh Report, 2PJ's, the Comet, the Angry Drunk Bureaucrat and even our dearest Ms. Mon. What I cannot do for you, dear readers, is clarify if Mayor Ravenstahl has had a “Come to Jesus” […]