The Awakening

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Gay and single in Pittsburgh?

Forbes ranked Pittsburgh low on the list of places good for a singles scene.  I read this little article, including the sidebar profiles and thought “whine, whine, whine.”  On a bright note, they even included a token homo in their list.  What really gets me about all this whining is the sense of entitlement — the […]

End War Fast Brokers Deal with City; Potter Chimes In

Some satisfactory news on the civil liberties front here in Pittsburgh – the City Police have reached an accord with the Pittsburgh Organizing Group and individuals participating in the “End War Fast” protest outside of the Oakland military recruiting bastion.  These groups had previously filed a lawsuit against the City claiming police officers were violating their […]

How I made recycling just a little bit easier

Again, nothing to do with the gay.  Still, I think it is interesting. I'm bringing in the PA Resources Council to give a presentation to my consumers and during our planning chats, I told them that I had several recycling questions which I was invited to submit.  More on that in another post somewhere down […]

I’m dressing my dog up as a pea and I don’t care what you think

Last night, I was shivering as I trudged alongside Ledcat back to our car.  We had spent a fun evening rabble rousing and cavorting with the GLENDA folks' “Dining for Diversity” event.  We attended a dinner party in Highland Park with great food and a lovely opportunity to catch up with some friends.  Then we […]

City Paper’s Best Of Pittsburgh — Vote for a Blog!

Check it aht … the annual Best of Pittsburgh survey and YOU can participate with a few clicks.  Vote for your favorite Asian restaurant (Cambodican Kitchen), best newest restaurant (Muriel's), record shop (Paul's CD's) even your favorite blog.  🙂 You get to write in a category. I wrote in Best Exercise of Civil Liberties and […]

Gay Straight Alliances have positive impact on schools; Pittsburgh 92.9 not so much …

A GLSEN study on the impact of student Gay Straight Alliances found that schools are generally less tolerant of homophobia, while LGBTQ students are less likely to hear gay slurs, more likely to perform well academically and feel safer in the classroom.  Wow, a supportive environment makes a difference for the well-being and academic progress […]

Condi Rice Shares House and Line of Credit a/another Woman — Does it matter?

Yesterday, I received 8 kajillion email messages informing me that public documents reveal that Secretary of State Rice has been co-owner of a house with documentary maker, Randy Bean (Rice and Bean — imagine the hay McIntire will make with that one?).  Does this mean she's a lesbian? Maybe, maybe not — but it does […]

End War Fast and Arrest

As expected, the CP covers the ongoing End War Fast targeting the military recruitment center in Oakland.  As you can imagine, the police are being less than cooperative and, apparently the protestors are depriving Oaklanders of greasy fast food, photocopies and overpriced bandaids.  Darn them!  Imagine the exercise of civil rights getting in the way of commerce […]

Dessert, Bingo, and the Zoo — A Gay Bonanza in Pittsburgh (plus other stuff)

First, some upcoming queer things to do in Pittsburgh … OUTrageous Bingo is this Saturday, September 15 at Goodwill's building on the Southside.  This is a good time and benefits two local causes — the GLCC and Shepherd Wellness Center.  “Dining for Diversity” also takes place Saturday evening from 9 – 11:30 @ SPACE downtown.  […]