Animal Friends, Bark in the Park and Protestors?

Hey.  This morning, Ledcat and I rolled out of bed early to head up to North Park to celebrate Bark in the Park with Animal Friends.  Mona was ecstatic about it, but the boys stayed home.  When we arrived, we saw that the police had detained two individuals and word in the park was that […]

Pgh Lesbian & Gay Film Society Shows “Tick Tock Lullaby”

Got plans on September 7? You might want to catch the latest film from the Pgh Lesbian & Gay Film Society  — Tick Tock Lullaby — at the Southside Works.  Here's the blurb ….Pittsburgh Lesbian and Gay Film Society is pleased to present Tick Tock Lullaby on Sept 7th at the SouthSide Works Theater.  Show […]

New Lutheran Bishop won’t rock the boat on gay issues

I have to admit I'm not at my best so this will be very short (I have bronchitis).  There's a new Lutheran Bishop in town..  And he is neither friend nor foe to the homosexual community, so he says. Bishop-elect Kurt Kusserow of the Southwestern Pennsylvania Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America plans […]

92.9 Lite FM – Not Cool on Gay Bash

Why I was listening to Gary & Beth on 92.9 Lite FM this morning, I can't tell you.  But Mona was in the backseat so I was just too occupied to change the station.  They were taking calls about “must have” back to school crap.  I heard all about shoes, backpacks, binders, etc.  Then this […]

Thursday Flashback – Just Because

  When I was in high school and college, I loved this show.  When I grew up and learned that Patty Duke was playing two roles while living with undiagnosed bipolar disorder, I loved the show even more.  I think I had a secret desire to go back to the “good old days” and actually […]

Tomorrow at the Warhol – A Chat About Transphobia and Homophobia

UPDATE:  Dr. Emilia Lombardi is NOT participating in this event.    Carryin’ On Conversation – Homophobia & Transphobia: Being Black and Gay in Pittsburgh   Date:  Aug. 17, 2007 Cost: Free Time:  7:00 pm – 10:00 pm 7 p.m. – Conversation moderated by Derek Tines with special guests, Chastity Cheetam, Emilio Lombardi and others. 8 […]

Pittsburgh Organizing Group Fasts Against War and Military Recruitment

The Pittsburgh Organizing Group (POG) recently announced plans to launch a month-long fast in September at the front door of the Oakland military recruiting station. The goal of this fast and camp-out is simple: To contribute to the movement working for the immediate withdrawal of all US troops from Iraq, and an end to military […]

Pgh Lesbian Variety Show Issues Statement Regarding Trans-Discrimination

I should preface by saying the CTN has repeatedly ignored my requests for comment.  I received this through a local queer events email list. As we reported two weeks ago, a local woman, Jessi Seams, alleges that Celebrate the Night, a lesbian variety show in honor of National Coming Out Day, discriminated against her by […]

A Lesbian Weekend

I have been stricken with that most awful of beasts .. the summer cold.  I've literally been in bed for most of the past 48 hours with a giant pack of tissues, a brown paper sack (thanks Office Max newspaper insert) and an unending supply of Gatorade.  Today, I decided to pull myself up the […]

Storms, Films, Saphhic Delinquency and A Shout Out to Erie!

Well, we didn't make it to the sex toy party.  And what's up with the comments about marriage in relation to that?  Who needs marriage to enjoy a good dildo?  Hmmm … We ate Chinese food and grabbed some ice cream at Klavons in the Strip.  I was still a little rattled by my experience […]