More on Celebrate the Night and Alleged Discrimination

As we reported, a local woman is claiming that the Celebrate the Night committee unfairly refused to audition her for their variety show because of inaccurate information that she worked as an escort. Today, the CTN organizing committee issued the following statement: Celebrate The Night is an event that was created to give women a […]

Brighton Heights The Vault Rocks a Saturday Afternoon

I had a perfect glass of iced tea this weekend.  Ledcat and I toodled up California Avenue to Brighton Heights in order to pick up a very generous donation the Vault had made to support a fair housing project.  Being generous in return (and hungry), we stopped for a snack.  Laura had a bottled raspberry […]

Pgh Lesbian Variety Show Faces Accusations of Discrimination and Bias

For several years, Celebrate the Night has honored National Coming Out Day with a women's variety show featuring a slew of talented local, amateur performers.  Each year, the call goes out across the community to women of talent — singers, jugglers, musicians, poets, dancers, comedians and so forth.  The unifying element is that performers are […]

Lesbians love Harry Potter (no spoilers)

So I learned something new about my friend Sarah last week.  She's a Harry Potter fanatic. She came over to help me pick up my 75 lb dog crates — each btw — from the Federal Express office on Neville Island.  Because she has a truck.  And she's very cool and helpful n'at.  So after unloading […]

Video Monday: Taste Some Queer Music

Saturday night, I picked up the music issue of Curve.  Most of the featured artists were completely new to me, even Ledcat only knew a handful.  So off to You Tube … Check these two aht … Toshi Reagon isn't new to the music scene (Ledcat even had actual cassette tapes!).  Here's something really groovy. […]

Catching up on a few random LGBT things

My favorite Christian-flavored homobigot, Diane Gramley of the PA American Family Association, had a little missive published last week in the North section of the Post-Gazette.  This time she rallies to the defense of the poor Boy Scouts being persecuted for their own homobigotry.  I'd post a quote but it is really rather a rambly […]

Pittsburgh’s Pet Limit Law — Why hasn’t anyone brought this up?

Ahem. From the Pittsburgh Municipal Code: § 633.12 NUMBER OF PETS PERMITTED IN CITY LIMITS; EXCEPTIONS. No person or residence shall be permitted to own, harbor or maintain more than five (5) dogs or cats or any combination thereof within City limits. This section shall not affect any person or residence whose number of dogs, […]

Me and McIntire talk about the Dyke March this afternoon

Yo yo yo … maclesbians.  OK, that worked so much better in my head.  🙂 Never one to let Jim and Randy beat him on a salacious topic, John has asked me to do a segment on the upcoming 2nd Annual Dyke March today at 2:25 on 93.7, The Zone.  They may have broken the […]

Video of the Week: Dance With Me

This is one of my favorite songs.  I am a total cheesy 1970's song addict, which is funny because I grew up with an irrational fear of 1970's cheesy clothing.  Terrified.  But this song rocks. Well, it actually is more of a groove than a rock,but you see where I am going with this.  I am […]

Riveting Rosies Rock

UPDATE:  See You Tube link at the end … ****************************************************** Here's one suggestion for a perfect summer evening:  spend a few balmy hours out on the patio of a local coffeehouse in the company of friends (and your lover) while you listen to some of Pittsburgh's talented chica singer-songwriters, collectively known as the Riveting Rosies. […]