Touching Base on International Gay Issues

I haven't been feeling especially bloggy lately, which usually means I scour the Internet for interesting gay tidbits that don't require a lot of commentary.  This is today's version … Russian Christians have attempted to purge the Moscow River in the wake of a gay cruise that sailed those very waters.  [O]ne of the action's […]

Gay Stuff To Read About

The Newark city school district redacted this photo from the high school yearbook after labeling it “illicit” even though the book featured multiple heterosexual kissing couples.  So the district blacked it out. After a brouhaha erupted, the school district offered to provide an “unredacted” version to anyone who wanted it.   Huh. Elizabeth Edwards supports gay […]

A Treasure Trove of Family History

Today, I carted some boxes from my Grandma's to Lesbian Central so I can scan the photos and organize the lot of materials.  She's fine, but I want to try and get her to identify some of the people in the snapshots before it is too late.  Ledcat and I spent the afternoon cleaning our […]

Random Cool Friday Night Stuff

Ledcat has been traveling this week, so tonight I'm frantically doing all the chores I promised would be completed for her return tomorrow.  So I've got my brand new copy of “Pride & Prejudice” (BBC version of course) playing the DVD player while I dust and sweep and sort the accumulation of stuff that does […]

City Paper on PrideFest or not

The CP sent Jared Trent Stonesifer to cover Pride.  In this article, he discussed the evening block party (Pride in the Streets), the Awareness March, the Pride Theatrer Festival and the Warhol exhibit on queer black life in the 30's and 40's.  Notice anything missing? Yep, he forgot to cover the actual festival (PrideFest).  The […]

PG Reader Liked the Gay Photo

This past week, this photo appeared in the Post-Gazette commemorating the vote to keep same-sex marriage legal in Massachusetts.  It is not available online, but Mozarti at found it (h/t).   From well-known member of the LGBTQ community Barry Ralph comes this letter to the editor: As a gay senior citizen, I never thought […]

MySpace update

Well, it has been three days since I posted about MySpace and I've collected 14 friends and two comments.  Being true to my word, I rejected the one person who I have never met.  I'm not sure why she wanted to be my friend, but she handled the rejection very well. I also rejected someone […]

Today, I had my first mammogam

I am 36 years old and this morning, I had my first mammogram.  I am one and one half years late in doing this.  I needed to get a baseline at age 35 because of the history of cancer in my family.  I procrastinated because it didn't seem urgent to me and because of how […]

Reversal of Course on MySpace …

OK, I have caved and set up a myspace profile.  I know, I know … it was almost a year ago that I blogged about it being strictly for young people and “creepy” for those of us over 30.  I believe I wrote this: And then there is this “friends” thing.  Apparently, you connect your […]

Has Pittsburgh’s PrideFest become just another Strawberry Festival?

Three years ago, the Post-Gazette's Ervin Dyer wrote a half page story on the growth of PrideFest. Two years ago, Caitlin Clearly wrote a short, vapid piece about gay flash.  Last year,  Anita Srikameswaran wrote a thoughtful story about Governor Rendell's participation in PrideFest and the issue of gay marriage. This year?  PrideFest merits a […]