PG Reader: Loud and Proud Homophobe

This morning the PG published a letter from Mark Santucci of Ross who objects to the bias of the PG on gay marriage. The Post-Gazette needs to be more balanced in its story selections. The vast majority of people in Pennsylvania feel that marriage is only between one man and one woman. Traditional marriage, as understood […]

Luke to distance himself from rich old white guys? Not likely

Does this mean Luke and Yarone have to take down the “No Gurls Allowed” signs from their wing of the City-County Building? Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl, speaking to the crowd, said he had not made many female appointments since taking office, citing two additions, but pledged to “diversifying” city government wherever possible. “I want you […]

Funny Man

New York based comedian Victor Varnado is hysterical.  Check out this Village Voice article to see for yourselves.  He occasionally rolls into town courtesy of local comedian Gab Bonesso.  ****************************************************** Disclosure and update:  Ledcat told me I wasn't being completely honest about this post.  We saw Victor a few weeks ago when he came to […]

Butchin’ Up Jesus

Courtesy of Pam's House Blend, this is hysterical:    Fishermen, Inc. makes figurines of Jesus participating in very butch activities like playing football, riding bulls, and engaging in the rawest, most manly, and sacred capitalist endeavor, working for food. These little statues are exactly what Our Lord needs to convince us that he's as heterosexual […]

Gay Quote of the Day …

“The world is a much happier place when you figure out if you are the pin or the cushion.” Berta, Two and a Half Men

Pittsburgh Gay Fest 2007: Pride in the Street

A Little Gay Round Up Makes Everyone Happy

New York Governor Elliot Spitzer plans to introduce legislation to legalize same sex marriage in New York.  What can we say other than — yeah! Here in Pittsburgh, Beverly Heights Presbyterian Church voted themselves off the island of mainstream Presbyterianity and into the conservative boat known as the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. But its not about […]

Allegheny County Dems Invite the Gays Over For a Chat

Just received this announcement about an upcoming event sponsored by the Allegheny County Democratic Committee.  Hmmm … here's my initial reaction.  First, while well intentioned, I think focusing on “issues of concern” puts a bit of a negative spin on the dialogue.  We aren't necessarily going to show up to whine.  Perhaps just GLBT Issues […]

Penn Dot Chemicalizes NorthSide Neighborhood

Ah spring … the birds chirping, the children playing and the smell of toxic weed killer wafting from the PennDot owned properties behind our house in Manchester …   This is their idea of property maintenance.  I waged a year long battle to get them to cut the weeds and clean up the trash.  They […]

Pgh Native Comes Home To Chat About Gay Marriage

A not to be missed gay event …read what the PG has to say about it.    The Women’s Law Project and Persad Center present An Evening with Evan Wolfson, author of Why Marriage Matters: America, Equality, and Gay People’s Right to Marry WOMEN’ S RIGHTS SEMINAR SERIES Sponsored by Thursday, April 19, 2007 6:30 […]