Amadeus “Deputy Dog” Mugs For the Camera
He's my 120 lb baby. And he was the runt of the litter …
He's my 120 lb baby. And he was the runt of the litter …
Fear not! I was on vacation last week, but spent my time cleaning out my empty house and preparing for the arrival of Pittsburgh's newest lesbian, B. I inhaled enough dust, cleaning fluid and spider webs to bring down the mightiest of women, but persevered in the knowledge that I could spend this week going […]
Timing, as they say, is everything. Just Saturday night, my lover and I took a stroll through the Southside to our favorite Cambodian restaurant and passed by a local confectionary called Chocolate Celebrations and the Milkshake Factory. You may recall a certain Post-Gazette article fawning over two certain members of this family owned business, siblings […]
“Maybe the city's in a position to look for some security and let things settle down a bit,” said Mr. Onorato. “We don't have elections to distract us.” h/t 2 Political Junkies
The PG's Bob Smizik takes Penn State to task for allowing Portland to ride roughshod over university standards, policies and common decency. It's not like the Harris incident was the first against Portland. She had a long and documented history on the subject. As far back as 1986, Portland was quoted making an anti-lesbian statement. […]
A few days ago, I received a letter from Mr. Peduto thanking me for attending a house meeting in my neighborhood. This is how he signed off: “Together we can move Pittsburgh forward. Together we can win. I look forward to working closely alongside you to help build a New Pittsburgh.” Today I received the […]
Our favorite editor over at the CP sticks his toes into the muck that is Ann Coulter's latest brouhaha. As we mentioned earlier, the Pitt College Republicans have invited Annie to town for a talk on April 1, 2007. While none of the College Republicans responded to his Potter's request for an interview, he does […]
Here's a tidbit of good gay-tidings! STATE COLLEGE, Pa. — Penn State women's basketball coach Rene Portland resigned today, ending a 27-year tenure in which she won 606 games but battled allegations that she discriminated against lesbian players. Portland resigned last night, the university said in a statement this morning. Hurrah! Hurrah! More later …. […]
Vis a vis recent email … If you are dying to boo Ann Coulter off a stage come to this… Pitt's College Republican group is bring Ann Coulter to speak at Pitt on April 1st at 7pm in David Lawrence 120 & 121. “The event is free, but tickets are now required. They will be […]