Will Luke Ravenstahl attend Steel City Stonewall (Gay) Democrats Pgh Candidates Forum

Maybe its just me, but isn't the mayoral race important to the region, too?  Luke Ravenstahl isn't exactly Mr. Progressive per 2 Political Junkies on issues like choice, contraception, free speech, open government, blah, blah, blah.  I know the muckety muck rich Riccardi loving homos embrace these Social Conservative Democrats for all they are worth, but […]

I’ve Seen This Face Before

Detroit – 72 year old man beaten senseless, left paralyzed because he’s gay

Some sick freak beat up a 72 year old man in Detroit.  With a pipe.  Because he thought the man was gay.  Now he's paralyzed and reported to be slipping away. The victim, Andrew Anthos (right), was riding a city bus back to his residence at Detroit's Windsor Tower apartments on Feb. 13 when another […]

Thanks, Tim Hardaway.

Check this aht … Last week, Tim Hardaway declared his hatred of gay people. Gay people should be thankful.

Does Luke Ravenstahl Want To Grow Up To Be Jeff Verszyla?

Lesbian Correspondent Wrests Control of Queer Reporting Back From Upstart Middle Age White Guy

We here at Lesbian Central are pleased that our good friend and all-around groovy middle aged white guy John McIntire wants to expand his repetoire of gay jokes beyond the phrase “butt fuck.”  He now seems hung up on kissing (lesbian kissing, Snickers eatin' men kissing, Ravenstahl's ass kissing …) but that's movement in the […]

How Long Until Hardaway Ends Up In Rehab?

“I don't hate gay people,” [Tim] Hardaway said. “I'm a goodhearted person. I interact with people all the time. … I respect people. For me to say 'hate' was a bad word, and I didn't mean to use it.” That's apology-take two.  He didn't mean to hate on us.  And he's surprised at the reaction […]

PG Editors: Hardaway ‘Profoundly Ignorant Millionaire Athlete’

The PG editors chime in on Tim Hardaway's banishment from the NBA All-Star weekend in response to his “I hate gay people” comments. Former Orlando Heat basketball star Tim Hardaway showed just how profoundly ignorant a millionaire athlete can be and still tie his own shoes in the morning. That's a great line.

The Death of Brent Dugan – Please Don’t Overlook the Homophobia

The City Paper's Melissa Meinzer offers us a peek into the world of Brent Dugan's flock after his tragic suicide, fueled in part by KDKA's planned story on his homosexual activities.  To put it bluntly, a lot of people over there hate Marty Griffin for his role in this story and view him as completely responsible for […]

Smokes for Chicks … Camel Femmes Up The Joint (so to speak)

Remember waaay last year when I was complaining about plans to hold a breast cancer fundraiser in a hookah bar?  Well, I got some righteous girl flak from the promoter (Girl Weapon X) and her posse who didn't appreciate me questioning their, like, total commitment to preventing cancer.  Scratching your head to remember Girl Weapon […]