“I hate gay people” comment giving homophobes a black eye

This is just too delicious.  The Concerned Women for America are taking former NBA player Tim Harding to task for his recent homophobic rant.  The CWA fears that Harding's blatant bigotry will taint the anti-gay movement.  Or something like that.  Just check this out: “Hardaway’s comments are both unfortunate and inappropriate,” said Matt Barber, CWA’s […]

An Open Letter to H’s Mom Regarding Homophobia

Dear H's Mom, Congratulations on raising spunky, articulate and polite daughter.  As you know, she took the time to post a comment on this blog several months ago, sharing her thoughts on the Upper St. Clair performance of “The Importance of Being Earnest” and the potential for homophobia.  Unlike most of those who comment here, she […]

PG Letter to the Editor on Rene Portland

From today's Sports Mailbag, Harriet L. Schwartz of Squirrel Hill: Penn State coach Rene Portland is an adult working on a college campus who has created a hostile and intimidating environment for students. As a university educator, she has harassed students, and continues to get away with it. As a longtime educator, I cannot comprehend […]

PG Sports Guy Jerry Micco Represents Well on Gay Issues

There is nothing earthshattering in the Valentine's Day PG chat transcript featuring Jerry Micco.  He simply makes a few comments about Penn State retaining Rene Portland as their women's basketball coach and former NBA player John Amaechi's coming out.  What's interesting is the opportunity for the rest of us to note that while there is a […]

Coolest Gayesque Penguin Love Triangle Ever …

In what would be the coolest gayesque Pittsburgh love triangle ever, check out Pitt Girl's latest post … Did somebody start a Sidney and Mario gay rumor without me knowing it? Sonni and Sidney?  Or Sidney and Mario?  All I'm saying is that if Luke Ravenstahl ends up in handcuffs at the new hockey arena, […]

Because Human Rights Include Gay People in Nigeria, Read This …

From 365gay.com … Abuja) The National Assembly held public hearings Wednesday on a bill to ban gay marriage and criminalize virtually all forms of gay expression in Nigeria. The bill lays down penalties of up to five years for anyone watching or reading material deemed to be pro-gay either in public or in their own homes, […]

The Snowstorm That Ate Pittsburgh; Lesbians Run Out of Creamer

Finally … I wake up to some good news. I don't hafta go anywhere b/c I brought my work home with me (I'm rapping my knuckles on my temple right now).  I get to finish a grant proposal and a home study report in my pajamas.  Woo hoo! I've been mesmerized by KDKA's coverage of […]

John McCain Keynote Speaker for Creationism/ID Proponents

h/t Pam's House Blend File this under … huh. Discovery Institute is pleased to co-present with CityClub of Seattle and the Seattle World Affairs Council a luncheon featuring U.S. Senator John McCain. The Discovery Institute is a right-wing think tank with a well established track record as a proponent/defendant of Intelligent Design. Think Progress also […]

The Boondocks creator Aaron McGruder is comin’ to Pittsburgh this weekend

  That's what Ledcat and I got each other for Valentine's Day … an evening with Aaron McGruder.  I am way excited even though the advertising misleads you into thinking there are $15.00 tickets.  Not so much since we bought the cheapest seats and dropped $53.00.  Good thing dyke-flavored snarkey pays so well … I actually […]

Random Thoughts on Snow Lesbians

I drifted off to sleep Saturday evening as Jon Burnett warned us of 9-12 inches of snow Monday evening.  Yes, I thought as my eyes closed, that might mean a snow day.  I have been waiting all of my adult life for the thrill of a snow day.  My childhood snow days in the late […]