First Openly Gay NBA Player On Tour for Human Rights Campaign, Not Coming to Pittsburgh

  John Amaechi, once a star player for the Orlando Magic, is the first NBA player to ever publicly come out as a gay man. Now retired from basketball, Amaechi's unique story is detailed in his autobiography,  Man in the Middle just released by ESPN Books. Now, Amaechi is an official spokesperson for the Human […]

Gene Collier on gays in sports

In today's Post-Gazette, the inimitable Gene Collier takes a shot at figuring at the implication of Penn State's homoconnection to basketball.  Actually, he contrasts the settlement of Jennifer Harris' lawsuit citing PSU coach Rene Portland's homobigotry with the coming out of former PSU bball player John Amaechi. Let me summarize  – the fact that Amaechi […]

Mainstream Media vs the Burghosphere: Which White Men Should You Listen To?

By now, you've certainly caught this week's edition of the City Paper and noted the feature story on local blogs aka the Burghosphere — yes, dear readers, we have yinzerized the blogosphere.  The Burghosphere is young, hip, sassy and an “alternative” to the mainstream media (MSM).  Or so says all the white guys writing the […]


h/t Pam's House Blend

Cool lesbo stuff to do

Not so much fun stuff on tap for this weekend.  Ledcat and I are taking my Dad out to celebrate his 66th birthday.  Then we cap off the weekend with more carpet-ripping-up and, just possibly, feng shuing the cat boxes.  Exciting, no?  Sunday is the Family Diversity Festival at the Center for Creative Play, brought […]

Black AIDS Day, Rene Portland, Snickers and is Prince phallic?

Still not feeling up to par so very light blogging of late.  Here's a few tidbits that I may explore later: Today (Weds) is the seventh annual National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day.  See Tony Norman's excellent column on this very important topic. Former Penn State basketball player Jennifer Harris reached a settlement in her discrimination […]

PG Reader: Tony Norman Right About Minority Homophobia

Ray McGogney of Shaler on homophobia in minority communities: One can spout anti-gay epithets with impunity and cloak the bigotry in religious and moral overtones. <snip> Unfortunately, too few leaders are willing to risk offending their ethnic or religious base by taking a stand against homophobia. Ray writes in response to Tony Norman's recent column […]

Pittsburgh’s LGBTQ Family Diversity Festival

AFA of PA: Diversity Undermining Academic Focus in PA Schools

Diane Gramley sent me another press releases yesterday.  It seems she has uncovered the school system component of the homosexual agenda — we are going to infiltrate the academic world by promoting diversity and thus, perhaps undermine academic efforts.  [GLSEN's] No Name Calling Week lesson plans were one to two 30-45 minute sessions per day.  […]

Hysterical Christian Pop Parody: God Hates Fags – What Does Pgh Bishop Duncan Think?

h/t to Pam's House Blend This is absolutely hysterical.  A video from the upcoming album of Donnie Davis and Evening Service from Love God's Way ministries.  Pam has all the details as intrepid bloggers ferret out the genius behind this parody.  Its been banned from MySpace, Google and YouTube.  I was rolling in my pajamas […]