What’s the story with True, Pittsburgh’s Gay Bar on the Northside?

This caught my eye in the June 2006 edition of Pittsburgh's OUT, the monthly gay newspaper.  Click on the image to read the full text of the ad. We liked True b/c they had a coffee bar and were smoke free.  We didn't go often, but it seemed busy enough as we drove by.  And […]


Is Catherine Specter Inching Toward Feminism?

This morning, I flipped to the “Just Ask Cat” segment in the PG and almost spilled my coffee.  No, she still has the rich girl slumming as hipster yinzerette photo up.  Its way more interesting than that. And you know how much I look forward to reading Cat's insipid advice each week.  Cat stood up […]

Howard Dean Loves the Homos and the 700 Club

DNC Chairman Howard Dean was in town this weekend to address the annual convention of the National Stonewall Democrats aka “gay Democrats.”  Dean told the assembled faithful that Stonewall has made the party “stronger, more inclusive, more courageous, more tenacious.” (PG) Mr. Dean said DNC operatives had been instructed to work with the gay community […]

Santorum Willing to Treat Homos “Nicely”

In an appearance on yet another right wingnut talk program, Ricky Sanctimonious played his oh-so-tired homo card.  Again. This time he was on Janet Parshall's America (I wish I had my own America), a nationally syndicated talk radio program. I picked this up from the Raw Story.  Read what Ricky has to say this time […]

Steel Queer N’At: Correspondents Weigh In

Last night, we toddled off to The Eagle to catch Steel Queer N'At, a quarterly performance of Pittsburgh queer talent put together by a local eclectic queer art collective.  For months, we've talked about going to the monthly K'vetch performances (third Thursdays at Modern Formations in Garfield), but something always came up. So this was […]


Sue comes from a long and proud yinzer/steelworker tradition, stretching back over 150 years. She grew up in West Mifflin home of Kennywood and the great yinzer hang out Century III Mall where she was misguided on the value of big hair and neon jewelry for years.  Sue has a bachelor's degree in political science […]

White House Posts Mary Cheney Interview

All I can do with a straight face is post the link.

Trib Column: Conservative Says Marriage Amendment is a Bad Idea

I missed this, but on Thursday the Trib published a column by Jim Powell, a senior fellow at the Cato Institute (limited government, free markets, etc).  Powell explains how federal regulation of marriage proved to be a bad conservative idea back in the days of Theodore Roosevelt.  Polygamous families were producing more children than monogamous families […]

Soulforce Erects Gay Positive Billboards

Soulforce is hoping to put up 16 of these billboards in June in opposition to the Federal Marriage Amendment.  You can help.  The anti-gay forces are making another attempt to amend the U.S. Constitution to define marriage in such a way as to exclude the families of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people. Senator Bill […]