“Let Their Light Shine On …” Candle Raffle for #PTK – 2022

Memorial for Trans folx

Let their light shine on … As part of our presence at Netroots Nation conference, Pittsburgh LGBTQ Charities set up a memorial to honor the lives and mourn the deaths of our trans neighbors. We wanted to be sure their experiences, including the terror campaign claiming their lives, was part of the conversation about LGBTQ+ […]

Kittens For John Fetterman

Our foster kittens intently watching John Fetterman during his appearance on The Reid Out with Joy Reid.

Foster Kittens Need Unique Names or How I Ended Up Surrounded by so Many DiMeras and Cassadines

Spoilers – this is a long post because it involves photos and lots of explanation. Also, I mention the fate of several soap opera characters. I also reference some sad outcomes for the community cats. Whimsical topic about a harsh reality. One lesson learned early on from fostering kittens is that there are naming protocols. […]

Disney’s Musical Frozen Comes to Pittsburgh This Week and Here’s Why I’ll Be There

Kristoff and Sven

I have a secret – I have never watched Frozen. Not either movie, not the spin-off shorts, none of it. There’s no particular reason. I like the music. I have niblings who adored everything about it. I even had the CD for awhile on loan and have access to Disney+. Fortunately, the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust […]

GI Sue: Part Seven in a Chronic Health Crisis

Sue Kerr Cats

When we left my little saga in the spring, I was waiting to see a rheumatologist, That was April. It took until late September to do so. Is it me or does it seem like appointments with specialists are even harder to secure now than before the pandemic? My dermatologist is booking nearly 18 months […]

Review: Mai Khoi’s Musical Show ‘Bad Activist’

Mai Khoi Bad Activist

I would also recommend this performance to anyone who is complacent about January 6 or any of the other dark clouds gathering around our fragile democracy. Her story aptly highlights why “populist” authoritarians are bad for the health and well-being of their country.   On Thursday, September 15, 2022, I went to see a performance of […]

That Time My 11 Year Old Nibling Connected Representation in ‘The Little Mermaid’ to ‘The Cross Connection’ on MSNBC

My nibling,11, hanging with me this AM while The Cross Connection with Tiffany Cross on mute. He watched while we chatted, then said “Everyone on this news show looks like me.” He’s Black. He said “Is this like the new #LittleMermaid for adults?” So there you go Princess Tiffany D. Cross Follow up – we […]

Black Trans Man Semaj Billingslea, 33, Shot to Death in Jacksonville

Described by many as ‘larger than life,’ Semaj Billingslea (also styled as Semaj Bill) is the most recent victim of anti-trans violence. Semaj was a 33-year-old Black trans man. He was shot to death in Jacksonville on Wednesday, September 21, 2022, the last full day of summer. Jacksonville, Florida police responded to reports of a […]

Living With Birthday Anxiety

My birthday is October 22. This year, I turn 52. I’m not at all worried about aging because I was brought up to believe that our 50’s are a great time period. Not THE 50’s but our decade of being 50. To be clear. And that’s proving to be the case. I’m a better version […]

Dani Janae Profiles Yours Truly For GLAAD

GLAAD asked me whom I would like to write a profile of me for their blog. Without hesitation, I said “Dani Janae” … the very week she was moving away from Pittsburgh! She crafted this article: Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents’ Sue Kerr is Paying Tribute to LGBTQ Individuals who Lost Their Lives to Violence What I […]