Lightning Strikes Library – Lesbian Cannot Get Gender Bending Book ?

  Last night, lightning struck the Carnegie Library on the North Side in Allegheny Center. It is my library branch and waiting at the front desk is a copy of Self Made Man by Norah Vincent.  My little pile of things to be returned (books and cds) was all set to go, along with my […]

Where are correspondents?

Thanks for stopping by.  The Correspondents are under the weather.   Hope to be back soon.

Evangelicals Agree on Gay Marriage and … Nothing Else?

An article in the Wall Street Journal discussed the lack of unity among Evangelicals around immigration issues.  Apparently, our Christian friends are unable to find consensus on this topic – some favor Christian compassion while others believe that law breakers should be punished … Despite their past unity on other issues, some evangelicals are divided […]

Dan Frankel – Anti Gay Marriage Amendment will hurt Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania State Representative Dan Frankel writes a passionate op/ed in today's Post-Gazette.  Frankel, a Democrat and long time progressive ally of the LGBT community, examines the potential damage the marriage protection amendment will do to the gay AND unmarried straight communities. Including senior citizens. The impact could be far reaching – health insurance coverage, foster […]

Bad Gay News from Massachusetts

From comes word that the State Supreme Court will let a 1913 law stand that prohibits clerks from issuing marriage licenses to people from states where their marriage would be illegal.  Originally passed to prohibit interracial marriage, the law has been used to prevent non-Mass. same-sex couples from marrying. According to Pam's House Blend …The […]

Gay Round Up

Lots of goings on today …. From the local front, two letters to the editor in the Post-Gazette. David Schelbe, co-chair of PFLAG Pittsburgh, asks the crucial question — how will amending the Pennsylvani constitution protect marriage? Amy Beisel of the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference opines that a one man/one woman marriage is unique and special, […]

Professional Wrestler Comes Out

Just a quick hurrah that professional wrestler Chris Kanyon has come out and given a substantial interview to the Windy City Times.  Does it matter?  Sure and here's why.  Kudos to you, Chris!

Church Ad Deemed "Too Controversial" for Networks

The United Church of Christ has had another inclusive ad rejected by all major networks for being too “issue oriented.”  The point of the ads is to reach out to people who feel alienated from church. You can view the ads here.  They are hysterical.  Interestingly, the networks embrace the Christian Right — which is decidedly NOT mainstream […]

KDKA's John McIntire unveils official website and blog

Here's something new to read …

AFA says PA Human Relations Commission Oversteps on Gay

The American Family Association of Pennsylvania has some problems with the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission.  They claim that Chairman Stephen Glassman is using his position as a “bully pulpit” to promote the homosexual agenda.  Mr. Glassman's sins include meeting with homosexual groups to discuss the anti-marriage amendment and working with local municipalities to add sexual […]