Queer Event Listing: K'vetch Pittsburgh is Back

If you loved Sonji Woodruff at the Steel Queer N' At show come see her in an even more intimate setting. (She was the artist who played after intermission with cello…so hot, and we're so damn lucky to have her in Pittsburgh…) Continue to support queer art. Kvetch Thursday March 30 Modernformations Penn/Millvale Show starts […]

Would you give your life for a homosexual person?

    Do you know someone who is homosexual?  Would you give your life for that person?  Christ did.   End religious based bigotry now. 

Trib Writer Takes Solace at Gay Bar

The Tribune-Review's Mike Seate enjoys going to True (he doesn't name it, but we all know that's the place he's describing).  He also enjoys the reactions of his straight friends to being in a gay oriented bar.  Seate does a nice job tweaking the social homophobia of men who delusionally believe they are the sexual target of […]

Hypocrites & bigots

Some random notes…Rep. Randy Cunningham's loot came on the auction block last week. You remember Randy? The gentleman who ranted about the evils of gay people but then accepted bribes. The last time I checked, stealing was a big one in the ten commandments, but, uh…being gay …WAS NOT. Also, some observations about who might […]

Are there really Gay Pirates? Come to Pride Night at PNC Park to Find Out

Take me OUT to the Ballgame! PRIDE NIGHT Saturday June 17, 2006 (After the Pride Awareness March & Riverwalk PrideFest) Gates open at 5:05pm; Game Time 7:05pm Portions of Ticket Sales benefit   The Gay & Lesbian Community Center of Pittsburgh    We ARE Family …..

Easter Bunny v Spring Bunny

This is not the Easter Bunny (or the Spring Bunny).  Her name is Autum and she needs a permanent home.  Clickon her picture for more information on helping rabbits. World Net Daily fumes about the left-wing attack on yet another Christian holiday … Easter.  See what Shakespeare Sister does with this ….


Rick's smile couldn't be more fake if Hillary were behind him.

Catherine Specter: Hypocrites Shouldn't Point Fingers

   This week, I found Catty's advice to be fairly benign.  She does still deliver a healthy dose of hypocrisy along with a rather nasty scratch at a reader.  Overall, she continues to fall far short of the bar set by the advice goddesses, Ann and Abby.  How much longer will the Post-Gazette force us to […]

Pitt Human Rights Conference to Discuss Gay Rights

I found this on the Trib web site Oakland Pitt sponsors human rights conference The University of Pittsburgh is sponsoring the Conference on Human Rights and the Security Continuum from noon to 6 p.m. March 31 and 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. April 1 at Posvar Hall, third floor, 230 S. Bouquet St., Oakland. The […]

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