Catherine Specter: Women Should Sacrifice Comfort and Health for Fashion

I made it almost all the way through this week's dose of insipid advice before I found that one little nuggest (it is always in there) that suggests Catherine Specter landed her job because she's related to someone with more influence than common sense. This week, BARE-FACED asks for date advice for women who choose not to […]

Trib Readers Defends Homos

How did I miss this?  Published on March 9, this letter to the editor from Lionel Deimel of Mt. Lebanon rightly condemns the intolerant words and actions of Nigerian Anglican Archbishop Peter Akinola.  Deimel opines: Those applauding his principled stand in opposition to the consecration of gay bishops should recognize that Akinola's principles apparently also […]

Has Fred Phelps finally gone too far in Pennsylvania?

According to an article in the Wednesday (March 15) Post-Gazette, several state legislators have decided to attempt to ban a notorius gay basher–Fred Phelps–from protesting at the funerals of fallen soldiers. Putting aside for a minute the First Amendment issues this ban would involve, I find this incredibly hypocritical. As perhaps some of you may know, Fred Phelps and […]

Gay Irish New Yorkers Denounce KKK Comparison

The thing that really gets me is when homo-bigots are not content to just hate us for ourselves, but have to take the extra step of connecting us with something vile … like pedophilia, bestiality or white supremacy. From the New York City St. Patric's Day Parade comes this gem. In an interview with the […]

Lesbian Takes on the Man: Don't Dump In My Neighborhood

Here's proof that one person can make a difference.      

No particular reason to post this except its kinda cool

6 reasons Jesus was gay

1.  He never got married. 2.  He lived at home until he was 33. 3.  He was followed around by men who left their wives to be with him. 4.  He was “sensitive” toward women and other vulnerable people. 5. He was docile and loving toward others. 6.  He was persecuted by the church AND […]

"Christian" Tennessee welcomes Soulforce Homo-Hater Style

Look at what a positive and uplifting impact “Christianity” has made in Tennessee … Soulforce's Equality Riders get a taste of Southern Hospitality! (Cleveland, TN) – The Equality Ride bus was defaced Thursday evening outside the hotel where Riders were in a planning meeting for their action on Friday at Lee University. As the meeting dispersed, […]

Local Anti-War Movement Gains Queer Contingent

Check this out from the City Paper  The March 18 anti-war march from East Liberty to Oakland has gained a new queer contingent. And the weekend’s activities — which mark the beginning of the Iraq War’s fourth year — has spawned concerts and opened a Greensburg front this year as well.   In addition to […]

Clear Channel Protects Tom Delay

  From Progressive PA Politics …. SHAME! Part III. Clear Channel won't run anti-Gerlach billboard.March 16, 2006Speaking of limiting democracy, Clear Channel won't let supporters of Lois Murphy (D) to advertise on their billboards in the 6th CD.  Clear Channel, which owns most of the billboards in the district, says they won't run a billboard […]