PG Letters to the Editor: Shout Out to the Homos!

In today's Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, we find two (2) letters to the editor responding to A Gospel of Intolerance. Susan J. Boulden of Oakmont writes ” As a 20-year member of Integrity, the Episcopal Organization of Gays and Lesbians, and a 35-year member of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh, I had been praying that someone in […]

60 Minutes "Something" before birth determines sexual orientation

Sunday evening's edition of 60 Minutes included Lesley Stah's report “The Science of Sexual Orientation”  in which she explores recent research into sexual orientation.  Today, scientists are looking at genes, environment, brain structure and hormones. There is one area of consensus: that homosexuality involves more than just sexual behavior; it’s physiological. The show interviewed two […]

Miami Columnist – Bible Bashing Gays is Hypocritical

This is awesome. I found this through Pam's House Blend Miami Herald columnist Leonard Pitts, Jr. takes a local homo-hater to task.  An open letter to Donna Reddick: I'm writing this for Desiree. She's a student at Miami Sunset Senior High, where you teach business technology. A few days ago, she sent me an e-mail […]

Catherine Specter defends premarital tweezing

Hurrah for Catherine Specter! This week's version of the PG column Cat's Call manages to avoid being racist or sexist.  She even musters up a little “catty” rant that is mildly amusing if not actually funny.  Otherwise, it was boring as can be. I guess that's the best we can expect.  Note that this week Cat adroitly […]

Christian Gay Intolerance: Why Remain Silent?

In today's Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Jane Little of Mt. Lebanon responds to the question of why the worldwide Christian community remain silent about the homophobic outrages in Nigeria which are endorsed by the Nigerian Anglican Church.  (One response appeared last week.)  Ms. Little writes ” Surely the bishop knows that the tension within church communities is […]

Save the Date: Art for Aids

              UPMC’s Celebrate Life, Celebrate Art 2006 – an auction to benefit Persad Center The Patron Party*Friday, April 7, 2006 Society for Contemporary Craft2100 Smallman StreetPittsburgh, PA 15222 (Strip District)7:00 – 10:00 p.m. The AuctionMonday, May 15, 2006 Carnegie Museum of Art, Oakland4400 Forbes AvenuePittsburgh, PA 15213

Catholic Church Hates Gays More Than It Loves Children

The Catholic Church strikes another blow for homobigots everywhere. reports that Catholic Charities of Boston will no longer provide adoption services because they choose not to comply with the states human rights law requring them to not discriminate against GLBT parents.  The Catholic Church wants a special exemption from the law. They want to […]

Not Gay Related: KDKA invades privacy, grief

      During the Thursday evening broadcast, KDKA news stepped over the line covering a local fire.  A Trafford fire left 10 people homeless; everyone made it out alive and unharmed.  But to get the sensational angle, David Highfield  stuck a camera in the face of one victim who was clearly distraught over the deaths of her […]

Crash deserved the Oscar

Last night, we went to see Crash at The Manor in Squirrel Hill.  This is one of your lesbian correspondents stating that Crash deserved the Oscar for Best Picture over Brokeback Mountain.  I loved Brokeback and believe it to be one of the best movies in my 35 years of movie watching.   But Crash resonates […]

Why John McIntire matters for gay people

Last night, KDKA talk show host John McIntire interviewed a local presbyterian minister under investigation for joining two women in marriage.  Reverend Janet Edwards is facing disciplinary action for officiating at the June 2005 wedding of two lesbians.  A wedding your lesbian correspondent attended.  John and Janet discussed the issue for nearly 45 minutes and […]