Local Law Firm Specializes in Gay Services

Monday's Post-Gazette featured Buchanan Ingersoll PC's Nontraditional Couples and Families practice group which specializes in LGBT legal work.  [Maureen] Cohon, the wife of Carnegie Mellon University President Jared Cohon, said her firm's nontraditional couples practice began quietly when a friend in a gay relationship asked her about guardianship for a child and drafting a will. After […]

Boondocks Shout Out to Willie Nelson

The songwriter of Willie Nelson's “gay cowboy” song was on NPR's What Do You Know this weekend.  He's was wryly funny discussing how this song emerged from the Urban Cowboy phase of the early 80's.  He also pointed out that Brokeback Mountain is about sheepherders, not cowboys.  LOL. So I was waiting for Aaron MacGruder […]

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Lesbians and Seven Springs Don't Mix

Last night, your intrepid correspondent headed out the turnpike to Seven Springs (aka the middle of friggin nowhere) for an evening of laughter and yuks at a charity fundraiser for the Pittsburgh Foodbank. Our goal was to see KDKA talk host and friend-of-the-lesbians John McIntire as well as a bunch of other funny people of […]

PG Letters to Editor on Gay Issues

A quick round of the PG's latest gay coverage …. First, the ugly.  From Jennifer Freker  of Bethel Park a letter to the PG editor …. God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve! You tell 'em Jennifer.  Make sure we know all about the abnormalities of a Godless society and how much friggin' […]

Casey – "I'll fight [LGBT] Discrimination"

Our own Bob Casey told a crowd of 600 attending a HRC gala event that he will fight discrimination against gays.  Unlike Senatorum and his loyal spokesfag Robert Traynham.  ''I think it's time we had a senator who wasn't pushing a narrow, intolerant ideology that says 'I'm right, you're wrong … and you don't know […]

Lynn Swann Fumbles on Gay Marriage Amendment

OK, disregard the trite football phrasology.. From our friends at Steel-City Stonewall Democrats, here's the skinny from social conservative Lynn Swann on gay marriage … Drum roll … while marriage is between a man and a woman, he does think private contracts should take care of us queers.   With no governmental protections.  Now for my […]

DNC: Don't talk about the Homos and Maybe They'll Go Away

The DNC's Annual Grassroots Report was released last week.  Not a single mention of the LGBTQ community.  Nada.  Howard Dean eliminates the gay outreach post, then wonders why people are upset …. and now this …. So what's happening in the Pennsylvania/Pittsburgh LGBT democratic wing ….You tell me.  Here's what BlogActive and LGBT political activist […]

Penn State: we said it but we didn't REALLY mean to protect homos

In an expected (but pathetic) twist to the Penn State Lesbian Discrimination case, lawyers for anti-lesbian coach Rene Portland and the University argued that the non-discrimination policy was a non-binding contract. You expect this from Portland who obviously didn't bind herself by the policy.  Plus, she's also claiming that former player (and plaintiff) Jennifer Harris was […]