Brokeback Mountain Rocks Pittsburgh

L.A. Johnson sums up local reaction to the Pittsburgh opening of Brokeback Mountain Variety reports that from Friday through Sunday, the Pittsburgh theaters in which the film opened grossed more than $20,000, a high figure for even a Hollywood blockbuster. That confirms my unofficial report from Dustin, the Loews' waiter who took care of our […]

KDKA, McIntire and Some Good News

The gays swept the Golden Globes last night, taking home Best Actor (Capote), Best Actress (Transamerica), Best Film, Best Director, Best Screenplay and Best Original Song (Brokeback Mountain) for all heavily gay themed performances. Here's what the incomparable Felicity Huffman said during her acceptance of the Best Actress award for her performance as Bree in […]

Microsoft Target of Homo Hater Boycott

The homohating bigots are at it again, calling for a boycott on Microsoft and other companies supporting a LGBT civil rights bill in the Washington state legislature.  What can you say to this kind of overt hatred?  Again, I cannot get my mind around the fact that these bigots and their sheep actually BELIEVE that […]

PA Legislators Deem Gay Marriage Bigger Threat than Economy, Health Care or Terrorism

This ain't funny, folks.  The PA legislature, home of the midnight pay raise, has made protecting marriage from the homos a focus right now.  Never mind that our fair city of Pittsburgh is crumbling around us while our beloved mayor plugs holes with political hacks.  Never mind that GM is closing a plant and putting […]

British Cops Most Gay Friendly Employer

Here's something interesting from – Britain's most gay-friendly workplace is a POLICE department. (London)  Less than a decade ago Staffordshire police were rated the most homophobic force in the country after going on a clandestine operation to arrest gays suspected of having public sex. Today, the force is being honored as the most gay-friendly force […]

Monday at 11 is the Lesbian Hour on KDKA with John McIntire

Tonight your faithful correspondent will talk with ardent lesbian admirer John McIntire during the 11 PM hour on KDKA.  Our topics of conversation will be Brokeback Mountain and other random LGBT issues.  Call in! Sue

Small changes in this hard world

Sometimes, the best part of a mystery novel is a few pages after the crime is solved. Last weekend, I picked up Sara Paretsky's latest at the library.  I was looking forward to visiting with my old friend V I Warshawski over the weekend while I recuperated from the vetiges of the flu.  That it was […]

Are lesbians allowed in the North Hills?

Who the heck waits 45 minutes on a Wednesday night to eat at Olive Garden?  in Pittsburgh!   Needing a meal while doing errands on McNightmare Road last Weds night, we grudgingly decided that cookie-cutter Italian food was the best option among the chain restaurants.  I should have known something was amiss when I encountered a […]

Lesbian Take on Brokeback Mountain

I hope you do go see this soon.  I am a total loss for words to describe howwonderful this movie is.  The cinematography is stellar, but so is thestoryline and the acting.  Heath Ledger blew me away, definitely an Oscarworthy performance.  Michelle Williams (played his wife) was also stunninglygood for a former Dawson's Creek star. […]

Nashville's NBC Affiliate Succumbs to HomoHaters over Book of Daniel

From, I discover that yet another Bible Belt NBC affiliate has capitulated to the right-wing hate regarding homosexuality and cancelled the Book of Daniel.  According to WSMV mangement, they received over 137 complaints via telephone, email and postal mail.  And apparently the independent nature of the 137 responses caught their attention “Over the years, […]