Video of Yard Signs from #ProtectTransKids Project

Request a sign Donations can be made via GoFundMe **Preferred Venmo @PittsburghLGBTQ Paypal Checks made payable to ‘Pittsburgh LGBTQ Charities’ and mailed to 1439 W. North Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15233.

29-Year-Old Black Trans Woman Stabbed to Death in Kansas City

Kandii Redd

Dee Dee Kandii Redd was a 29-years-old Black trans woman when she was killed in Kansas City, Missouri on July 25, 2022. Her family uses the name Kamila Marie Swann to refer to her, shortened to Dee Dee. She uses Kandii Redd on the pages I could find. Initial media reports misgendered her and delayed […]

Proud to Be Finalist in Three City Paper ‘Best of Pittsburgh’ Reader’s Poll Categories

Best of Pittsburgh

I am so pleased to share this with you – Pittsburgh LGBTQ Charities has been voted into the finalist round of the Pittsburgh City Paper ‘Best of Pittsburgh’ Reader’s Poll. The category is Best Social Justice Organization. That is so amazing – this is our first year of programming and supports. I think the work […]

Marisela Castro, 39, Fatally Shot in Houston

Marisela Castro

Marisela Castro, 39, was born in Juticalpa, Olancho in Honduras. She spent most of her life in North Carolina where she attended Riverside High School, moved to Houston several years ago to be close to her sister and her nieces and nephews, She was a supporter of St. Jude’s Hospital and a fan of Bad […]

#ProtectTransKids Expands From Yard Signs to Stickers

Gestures like putting up lawn signs and window signs in businesses (especially when it’s not pride month) actually do make a difference and provide real relief in this moment when trans people are the political scapegoat for everything. Seeing that support means a lot, helps us breathe. We hear you folx. You asked repeatedly for […]

Black Trans Woman Hayden Davis, 28, Murdered in Detroit

Hayden Davis Detroit

Hayden Davis was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan. On Monday, July 25, she lost her life there as reported by Dee Dee Watters of TransGriot. In another horrific attack affecting the LGBTQ+ community, a transgender woman was shot and killed in Detroit on Monday evening. Her body was found on the city’s east side, in the […]

Q&A With Trans Neighbor About TERF/Transphobic Stickering in Pittsburgh’s East End

TERF stickers Pittsburgh

Content Note: transphobia, TERF, fascism, harassment, images I went back and forth on whether or not we should do this Q&A because I was worried about 1) unnecessarily freaking out other trans people who have been blissfully unaware of these stickers 2) giving this terf the attention they want, potentially leading others to their cause. […]

Guilty Verdict for Local Woman Harassing Black Trans Teen and Her Family

This morning, a magistrate judge ruled that local woman Darian Balcom was guilty of harassment after erecting a 9-foot billboard in her backyard. The sign read ‘Transing is Abuse and Homophobia’ and Balcom direct the sign in to the window of a 15-year-old Black trans teen living next door with her multiracial, queer family. , […]


I tested positive for COVID

Monday night, I tested positive for COVID-19. So I may or may not be blogging this week, depending on how I feel. Right now, I feel just ‘meh’ but grateful it is not worse. I tested myself after our vacation. I was negative on Friday, but didn’t feel great Sunday night. It continued Monday so […]

Murder of Los Angeles Trans Woman Cherry Bush, 48 Officially a Hate Crime

Cherry Ryan Bush Sylvar

Cherry Bush was 48 years old, She was homeless, living in Sylmar a suburban neighborhood in the San Fernando Valley and is the northernmost neighborhood within the City of Los Angeles. On July 5, a 29-year-old man shot her after making disparaging comments based on her perceived gender identity (and sexual orientation.) She died the […]