A Second Little Update on the Political Q&A Series on My Blog – Which Candidates Responded and Which Have Not (yet)

Political Q&A

So a little update on the Political Q&A series on my blog. I sent out several Q&A’s since my last update. We are willing to interview progressive candidates across the Commonwealth who 1) support fully LGBTQIA+ equality 2) are pro-choice, and 3) acknowledge that Joe Biden did win the Presidential Election in 2020. Candidates in […]

Everything You Need to Know About Pittsburgh Pride Events 2022 (Almost)

There’s always a lot going on with Pride month in this region. But rarely a calendar that’s current or robust. Over at the Pittsburgh LGBTQ Community Facebook group, we have you covered. My co-moderator Morgan created a thread on all Pride events. No chit chat, no debates, no arguments. Just a listing of events. So […]

The Six Things I Hope ‘This Is Us’ Addresses in the Final Six Episodes

First, always, is Miguel. How did and Rebecca find their way back from Facebook to marriage? What’s up with his kids now? Why haven’t we really had conversations between this Latinx man of color and Randall around their experiences of racial injustice? Miguel was a Latinx man in Pittsburgh in the 70s and 80s. Being […]

Q&A with Deja Alvarez, Candidate for State House District 182

Currently, there has never been an openly trans-state lawmaker in the PA legislature nor has a trans-Latina been elected nationwide. We know representation directly impacts how our voices are heard, budget is spent, and resources are allocated. For the trans community in particular our lived experiences should not exclude us from being part of the […]

And Spring Depression Cometh …

I’ve blogged many times about my reverse seasonal mood disorders – elevated in the fall, low in the spring. We are not so oldWe have miles to goWe will take it slowAs the years unfoldThat’s a lot to know. This past week, my mood began to dip. Some of this was due to increasing my […]

UPDATE: Princess, Missing 25-year-old White Trans Woman, Discovered to be Killed While Crossing Intersection in Houston

Princess Missing in houston

UPDATE – Princess’ friends have confirmed for me that they were informed by Houston police that Princess was killed after being struck by a car while crossing a road Monday evening. More details are not available. The driver reportedly stopped to offer aid and call for help. Princess is 25-years-old. She’s about 5’4″ and has […]

Democrats Want to Know Why Conor Lamb Is Tied to Daylin Leach? #MeToo

I wasn’t going to write this post. Yet. After I received commitments from all three Democratic candidates for Senate to complete my Q&A, I told myself that was valuable for readers and the larger LGBTQ community. I needed to be fair even if my opinions are seeping in here and there. I’m not trying strive […]

A little update on the Political Q&A series on my blog

Political Q&A

So a little update on the Political Q&A series on my blog. We are willing to interview progressive candidates across the Commonwealth who 1) support fully LGBTQIA+ equality 2) are pro-choice, and 3) acknowledge that Joe Biden did win the Presidential Election in 2020. Candidates in Philly or the Poconos or the Wilds or anywhere […]

Q&A With Jessica Benham, Incumbent Candidate for PA House District 36

Jessica Benham

As a member of the minority party, it’s incredibly difficult to get legislative priorities to move in Harrisburg. In fact, so far, no bill prime sponsored by a House Democrat has been signed into law this legislative session. I have used the amendment process to still advocate and fight. State Representative Jessica Benham This is […]

Book Review: The Maisie Dobbs Mysteries

This is hands down one of my all-time favorite series of books. In fact, it was in response to a review of Book 1 in the series on NPR that I actually BOUGHT the book. I bought a hardcover book. That was huge for me. I looked up the review and it is online if […]