So Called “Marriage Protection” Amendment Rears Its Ugly Head In State Committee – Fight Back With Twitter!

It is March. That’s usually when Darryl Metcalfe rears his ugly head and voila! Yes, Representative Metcalfe as head of the State Government Committee has introduced another version of an amendment that “protects” marriage from … marriage?  And this time, he’s taking civil unions and domestic partnerships with him. From Equality PA A vote on […]

Washington Equalizes Marriage

Washington Equalizes Marriage

Congratulations to our sisters and brothers in Washington State and across the land who have worked to achieve this victory. A move is already underway to put this on the ballot. I strongly urge you to watch this video of Governor Gregoire’s comments, among others. The Governor’s Comments – Good morning. Welcome! Thank you, Ed […]

The Current Status of Equality Legislation in Pennsylvania

I grabbed this snippet summary from HRC: In May, Pennsylvania House Bill  1434 was introduced which would propose and amendment to the Pennsylvania Constitution reading:” Marriage is the legal union of only one man and one woman as husband and wife and no other legal union that is treated as marriage or the substantial equivalent […]

Blog for Equality Pgh: My Thoughts

Blog for Equality Pgh: My Thoughts

I am honored and so pleased that 20 of my fellow bloggers took the time on Tuesday, May 10, 2011 to contribute to this project.  Blog for Equality Pgh 2011 may be the most important of our blogswarms as we face increasingly well-funded and hostile opponents to LGBTQ equality.  Why does this matter?  Well, I […]

While We Are Talking Equality …

While We Are Talking Equality …

Other good stuff happened … In New York, openly gay State Assemblyman Danny O'Donnell has announced the introduction of a marriage equality bill.  He announced it by Twitter.  You can follow him @DanielJODonnell  How can you not follow this guy?  It would be like denying yourself a breath of fresh air.  I just nearly gassed […]

Blog for Equality Pgh 2011 – Tuesday May 10, 2011

(scroll down for links to the 2011 Blog for Equality participating blogs) When it comes to LGBTQ equality blogswarms in Pgh, we've had good company back in 2008 and 2010.  I'm sad that we need to rally the troops once again to stand up against yet another attempt to amend the Pennsylvania Constitution in order […]

Metcalfe introduces “Marriage Protection” constitutional amendment

Metcalfe introduces “Marriage Protection” constitutional amendment

From the Trib … Metcalfe, R-Cranberry, who chairs the House State Government Committee, on Monday announced he is sponsoring a constitutional amendment to define marriage. It would need to be approved in two successive sessions of the Legislature and would then be submitted for approval or rejection by the state's voters. The earliest that could […]

Update on pro-equality legislation in Pennsylvania

Update on pro-equality legislation in Pennsylvania

State Representive Cohen has introduced a measure that would expand existing law to recognize civil unions.   HB708 has several familiar cosponsors, including Dan Frankel, Jake Wheatley, Chelsa Wagner, Dom Costa, Paul Costa, Mark Gergely.  41 sponsors in total. This legislation has been referred to the Judiciary Committee as of February 12, 2011. Several cosponsors sit in […]

Equality Advocates PA Response to Metcalfe Memo

Equality Advocates PA Response to Metcalfe Memo

From Equality PA — Friends:  Let the crazy begin.  Hopefully, this won't  ruin anyone's holidays but it appears from the attached memo that the battle will begin early in 2011.  What I am providing is a copy of a memo from one of our chief opponents, Rep. Darryl Metcalfe, calling on his legislative colleagues to sign on […]

Metcalfe Back with PA Marriage Amendment

Like roaches crawling out of the woodwork, social conservative Republicans are back to defend marriage against the ever-looming threat of homosexuality.  See this memo from PA Representative (and would be Lt. Governor) Darryl Metcalfe whose neck of crazy-town includes Western PA.  Seriously, this is a problem   Looks like we'll have another Blog for Equality […]