Donor Offers $2k to Save #ProtectTransKids if We Can Raise the Other $8k.

Protect Trans Kids

Earlier this week, I wrote about plans to close the #ProtectTransKids project due to a lack of funding. Since then, one person whom I do not know IRL offered to make some calls as he put it. Today, a woman reached out offering $2000 or 20% of the $10k we need if I can find […]

Call me anytime, on the line

My voicemail can handle about three messages before it is full. I am frequently being told “Your inbox is full” or “Delete some messages” or some such advice. I try hard to stay on top of the three spam messages that inevitably fill those slots, but I’m only human. The rest of the voicemail slots? […]

24 Lesbian Thanksgivings


I had a delicious turkey dinner from Bistro-to-Go for lunch, planned holiday decorations for the Fort Faulsey colony, and have my blueberry muffins ready to go for the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. I finally put flannel sheets on my bed. All in all, a good Thanksgiving Eve. For my #NaBloPoMo contribution, I pulled together a […]

Ten Holiday Traditions on My List for 2024

I expect the winter holidays will be a little challenging. Not as raw as last year, perhaps more insistent on looking forward. So I made a list of traditions, new and old, and already invited friends to join me. I have no one with whom I’ll exchange gifts. Of course I’ll gift to my nephews, […]

Lack of Funding Ends Pittsburgh’s Protect Trans Kids Yard Sign Project

Protect Trans Kids

Last minute funding appeal unsuccessful The #ProtectTransKids project has been wrapping up for several reasons. All of them break my heart because I know these signs are needed more than ever. This project was funded by small donations, over $25k. With that investment, we produced 2000 signs and 10,000 stickers. That’s a success. Over the […]

Trudging Along is a Valid Path Forward

I haven’t posted much about the political/electoral world this month. Frankly, it hurts my heart to even try to keep up with it. I’m not burying my head in the sand. I’m reconstituting my political self. On Instagram. I scroll every day, searching for content that’s uplifting, humorous, and absolutely representative of the many cultures […]

This is How I Endured a Dark and Twisty Week

Content Note: mental health, bureaucracy, aging, suicide, shed building Last week. A dark and twisty series of days, events, and revelations. It was pretty rough. First … First, there’s my struggle to find a good therapist who accepts Medicare. Or will. I have private insurance now through my spouse, but I also have a Medicare […]

Urgently Need Volunteer to Help Us Build Our Shed

Shed to help cats

Getting Pittsburgh LGBTQ Charities (PLC) to a healthy place after my year’s absence has been hard and here is how you can volunteer to help. Handyperson – Help Us Build Our Shed A shed was donated to us, but lack of folx to assemble meant we spent $2700 storing it (and other things.) Last month, […]

Mx. Pajamas, Snow Cat

Holiday Q&A with Bistro to Go Owner Nikki Heckman: “Food conveys love and value.”

Bistro to Go

Everyone is significant and welcome at our table. Its an honor they invited us to care for their food. This is the beginning of relationship. Walks our talk, Matches with our culture and what we want to promote. We are better together. One thing I love about Bistro to Go is obviously the food. For […]