Blogging for Equality

Blogging for Equality

  A marriage amendment has sprung up again in Pennsylvania. Its any easy way to pander to the right-wing conservatives who seem to populate this state. As has been practiced throughout history, fear is always a great way for a politician to get points with the constituents. I have been reading a great book about […]

Life Goes On: Blog for Equality 2010

I don't think there's much I can add on the “Marriage Protection” amendment that I haven't covered in the past 4+ years. You have the contact information.  We need you to call today. Today is the day. Sunday, I woke up at 7:30 AM, let out the dogs, put on the coffee and grabbed the […]

Pgh Blog for Equality 2010 – Tomorrow

Reminder to log in tomorrow to see what the blogosphere has to say about the PA “Marriage Amendment.” I do not know how many blogs are participating, but I hope we can count on your support.  Please consider updating your Facebook status or Twitter status and it would be great if you change your Facebook […]

Blog for Equality 2010 – Stop the Discrimination, Join the Blog Swarm

This is now a sticky post to remain at the top of the blog until Blog for Equality Day is Over. Read below for more current posts *************************************************************************************** Back in 2008, 14 Pittsburgh blogs participated in our first Blog for Equality event to speak out against the attempt by the Pennsylvania Senate to amend our […]

Then there are Pennsylvanians who believe in Equality

Then there are Pennsylvanians who believe in Equality

It is Freedom to Marry week and nearly 30 people showed in Harrisburg in support of SB 935 which would legalize same sex marriage in Pennsylvania. 30 is pretty impressive considering the weather. Ha. Sponsor Daylin Leach: He also disputed claims that legalizing gay marriage would “destroy traditional marriage” between a man and a woman. […]

Equality Advocates Board Resigns – Huh?

Equality Advocates Board Resigns – Huh?

I caught this tonight on Twitter via the Philadelphia Gay News: Nearly all of the board members of LGBT legal organization Equality Advocates Pennsylvania have resigned within the past two weeks. Ten of the 13 members stepped down in a move that Lynn Zeitlin, executive director of the group, said was part of a wider […]

Tribune Review: People prefer civil unions to gay marriage. Huh.

Tribune Review:  People prefer civil unions to gay marriage.  Huh.

In another not-slanted-at-all story, the Tribune informs us that most Pennsylvania's prefer civil unions to marriage equality. Read for yourselves. A poll released this month by Muhlenberg College showed 61 percent of people in the state support civil unions, but 51 percent oppose gay marriage. Gay rights advocates note that support for civil unions increased […]

How do Jon and Kate + 8 fit into the equal marriage debate?

How do Jon and Kate + 8 fit into the equal marriage debate?

Justin Kidd of Squirrel Hill has definitely put a very modern twist on the marriage equality debate.  Kidd references the tabloid sensation of the allegedly disintegrating marriage of the TLC reality family, Jon and Kate. Another front-page story, explains how the train-wreck docudrama episode featuring pseudo-reality stars' failing marriage gained the TLC show its highest […]

Letter to the Editor: PG didn’t go deep enough on marriage analysis

Letter to the Editor: PG didn’t go deep enough on marriage analysis

I think Donna Evans of Upper St. Clair meant well when accused the Post-Gazette of shallow examination of the “marriage protection” amendment.  I am again overwhelmed by the lack of depth of the PG editorial board. Your editorial “Same Old, Same Old” (May 26) espouses the same old marginalization of the enormous societal debate on […]

Its baaaaack: Pennsylvania “Marriage Amendment” pokes its head up from the ground

Its baaaaack:  Pennsylvania “Marriage Amendment” pokes its head up from the ground

From the Post-Gazette comes word that a Blair County State Senator, John Eichelberger, plans to hold a press conference Tuesday afternoon to announce the introduction of legislation which would amend the Pennsylvania constitution to protect heterosexual marriage from the gay agenda. The bill needs to be approved in two successive legislative sessions and then put […]