Autoimmune Dysmotility and Me: Part Four

GI SmartPill

It probably was a good thing I was running late for appointment and not left to my own devices too long – I rushed into the Esophageal Institute and sent immediately back for my procedure. Thus, I was too distracted to contemplate just how fucking big the pill was that I was going to swallow. […]

25-Year-Old Trans Latina Jenny De Leon Killed in Tampa, Florida

Jenny De Leon was born in Ponce, Puerto Rico. She grew up in in Town ‘n Country, Florida and most recently moved to Tampa. Jenny was 25-years-old and in her sister’s words “beginning her life as Jenny.” On Tuesday, November 2, 2021, her body was discovered by Tampa police around 6 AM. They are actively […]

Black Trans Woman Marquiisha Lawrence Murdered in Greenville, South Carolina

Marquiisha Lawrence

  28-year-old Black trans woman Marquiisha Lawrence of Greenville, South Carolina is the most recently reported victim of fatal violence terrorizing the trans, non-binary, and gender nonconforming community in the United States. She died in her family home on Friday, November 5 where family members discovered her body at approximately 4:45 PM. Police reports indicate […]

Honor the Life and Death of Dr. John Ruffing With a Pet Food Donation Today

Dr. John Ruffing West Mifflin

Today is the anniversary of one of the saddest days of my life. November 9, 2007, my beloved friend and quasi-big-brother died unexpectedly at the age of 41. His name was Dr. John P. Ruffing VMD. Each year on his birthday (April) and this date (November), I write a post. I feel his loss so […]

Trans Latina Rikkey Outumuro aka Tru Starlet Murdered by Boyfriend in Washington State

Rikkey Outumurro

Her name was Rikkey Outumuro, also known by her stage name Tru Starlet. Rikkey was a 39-year-old Latina transgender woman and performer. She was fatally shot in Centralia, Washington, on the night of Oct. 30 or the morning of Oct. 31, 2021. Rikkey was killed by her 28-year-old boyfriend who shot her at least five […]

Cats Need Help – A Complete List

Pittsburgh Pet Food Projects

I know that I’ve asked a lot lately – it certainly has been a rough month year. A friend asked to summarize the various needs so this post is for them and for anyone who is interested in helping. Marshall-Shadeland Cat Colony A friend has been working hard to manage a colony of cats on a […]

Our Samhain Blessing from Jennie Jane – She Returns Two Years After Her TNVR

Jennie Jane

We have had a #Samhain miracle, a visit from a cat-sith or cait sidhe (Well, sort of.)  On Samhaine (All Hallow’s E’ve) “a saucer of milk was set out on the steps for them, for they would pass blessings on those houses for the gifts.  If you failed to place out the offering, they would curse your […]

What Happened to Jessi Hart, a 42-year-old Trans Woman Killed in Oregon?

Jessi Hart Oregon trans woman

Jessi Hart, a 42-year-old white trans woman, was killed in Banks, Oregon in early October. Her body was discovered on October 17, 2021. According to the Washington County Sheriff’s Office, her body was found in the woods outside Banks, a small town about 25 miles west of Portland, Oregon. Detectives suspect foul play in her […]

26-Year-Old Trans Woman Jo Acker Killed in Boise, Idaho

Jo Acker of Boise

A 26-year-old white trans woman, Jo Acker, was one victim of a mass shooting in Boise, Idaho. Jo worked at the mall as a security guard and reports indicate she bravely confronted the shooter while escorting customers out of the building. Jo is the 42nd victim of the campaign of terror and violence targeting the […]

Pet Food Shortages Make Your Donations of Cat Food Essential.

Empty Cat Food Shelves

I order cat food on a monthly basis and just went through our pantry to see what we needed. I was shocked to check my go-to place and discover that Fancy Feast is on complete backorder, as well as nearly $2.00/can. It is typically about $.66/can. Shelves at Target, pet food stores, even Chewy are […]