50 Plus 1 To Grow On: Pandemic Birthdays, Milestones, and Community Cats

I turned 50 years old on October 22, 2020. Our big plan to celebrate with a weekend spa trip – something I would ordinarily never do – were postponed. And I was bummed, but resigned. I had hoped to ‘make it up’ this year before 50 slipped further away from me, but that’s not going […]

Black Trans Man Mel Groves Shot to Death in Mississippi, Total Official Homicide Toll Reaches 40

Mel Groves Black Trans Man

Campaign of terror against Trans, Gender Nonconforming, and Nonbinary Americans reaches 40, precariously close to the documented record of 44 violent death in 2020. Image via Facebook Just days after the shooting death of a 26-year-old Black trans woman in Southern Florida comes word of another shooting death of a Black trans person, Mel Groves, […]

Royal Poetical Starz, 26-Year-Old Black Trans Woman, Shot to Death Near Miami

A 26-year-old Black trans woman was murdered inside her vehicle in the Miami Gardens community in Florida. Her name was Royal Poetical Starz and while news of her murder spread among her friends and family, media failed to pick up her story. From South Florida Gay News A prime reason they didn’t know: Miami Gardens police […]

Sharing (Part of) My Mental Health Journey on #WorldMentalHealthDay


Sponsored by World Health Organization (the day, not the post) The overall objective of World Mental Health Day is to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and to mobilize efforts in support of mental health. The Day provides an opportunity for all stakeholders working on mental health issues to talk about their […]

The #DavisGirl Kittens are Sick/Our Community Cat Colony Feeding Station was Just Dismantled Without Consent

Dead Groundhog

So OMG, right? Hand tight, this post is crazy. I have sad news, uplifting news, a twist, and an ask. Here’s the twist – we came home from our feral cat colony yesterday and found another dead groundhog in our backyard. PLACED in our backyard by someone, likely poisoned like the one from July. Well, possibly […]

Guest Post for International Lesbian Day: A Boomer’s Bar Life in Pittsburgh

I first met Sue B. a few years ago on social media. She and my wife had mutual friends so we began corresponding and dining out together back when we did those thing. I begged and pleaded with her to put her recollections of queer women’s history into writing. There’s very little first person documentarian […]

Update on the #DavisGirls Foster Kittens from Pittsburgh’s Northside

These three six-week-old kittens from #AlleghenyWest had a rough start with limited food sources and Mama bullied by other community cats. I trapped them last week over the course of five nights. Sticking with my soap opera names, I dubbed these the Davis Girls, referencing the nickname for the adult daughters of Alexis Davis on […]

Panel Discussion: 50 Years of Coming Out, a celebration of the history of queer media in Pennsylvania

Sue Kerr

Here’s a bit of exciting news. I’ve been invited to participate on a panel discussion about the state and future of queer media sponsored by The Association of LGBTQ Journalists Pennsylvania chapters. I am the only blogger participating, one of two women, and eight out of nine cisgender (I think) and seven out of nine […]

Losing weight is not the eternal magic fat girl solution

When you’ve undergone test after test to figure out why you are sick, there is a moment – a moment when a test turns up information. Not quite a diagnosis, not quite a precise answer. But still, it is something to cling to in a landscape colored by bias, insurance industries, and sexism, of people […]

21-Year-Old Black Trans Woman Kiér Lapri Kartier Found Dead of Gunshot Wounds near Dallas

Kier Laprice

Her name was Kiér Laprí Kartier also known as Kier Laprice Soloman. She was 21 years old and lived in Dallas. On Thursday, September 30, she became the most recent Black trans women to lose her life in the campaign of terror targeting the trans community. She was found near Dallas dead in a car […]