My #365FeministSelfie 2018 Edition


I was browsing the website Shakesville tonight when I came across this post from Melissa McEwan announcing that she’s bringing herself back to the #365FeministSelfie project for 2018. I, too, had participated during 2014 as an act of resistance. My blog post about the project even earned me a subscription to Bitch Magazine (yay!) I […]

Depressionista Fashion?

To no one’s shock, I’ll readily confess that I am battling a bout of depression. So a daily blog prompt question like ” Describe your favorite fashions from days of yore or current trends you think are stylin’” absolutely does nothing for me. Well, to be totally honest, it does momentarily give me a new lens […]

Oh, I Cry Over Spilt Milk

Another day to combine prompts. This time: Do you have a bad temper? How often do you lose your temper? Look in the mirror. Does the person you see match the person you feel like on the inside? How much stock do you put in appearances? I’ve been looking in the mirror for over a […]

My Selfie Won a One-Year Subscription to Bitch Magazine

#365FeministSelfie Bitch Magazine

This is uber-cool, my friends. The first photo I took as part of #365FeministSelfie earned me a subscription to my favorite magazine (so really a free renewal which is awesome!) Talk about positive reinforcement of a plan! I think Gary  Vaynerchuk would approve. I also gotta give Bitch Media props for using Instagram so well. […]

How The Selfie Transformed My World


I absolutely hate photos of me. Or I used to hate them. Now I sometimes like some of them a little bit. Like many women, I am my own worst critic about my appearance. I’m fat, ugly, crooked teeth, scar on my lip, etc, etc, etc. But the thing I’ve hated the most are my […]