Touching Base

I haven’t blogged much of late. Still in recovery mode, what I amusing refer to as #hysterecovery – well, amusing to me. My health is okay. I have one of two little possible sources of problems that I have to manage. I drove today for the first time, 1.6 miles to be exact. I couldn’t […]

Last Minute LGBTQ Donations To Consider in 2017

There’s a lot of good work going on in Pittsburgh and the larger region. If you are considering some end-of-the-year gifts, we offer these for your consideration. This is a time when $5 or $10 can have a huge impact. PublicSource – a critical resource for investigative journalism. Gifts up to $1,000 will be matched […]

Top Blog Posts from 2017

This annual roundup is always very sobering for me because most of the posts are typically my coverage of violence against LGBTQ people. I’ve written elsewhere about why this matters and I will continue to do my best to provide good information on these important stories. 15 posts out of the top 20 most read […]

Dakota, 27, Wants You to Support Queer Activists & Queer Art #AMPLIFY

Describe your geographical community. 

“Pittsburgh is an urban community that is mostly LGBTQ-friendly, but I’ve found that’s often on a surface level… which I think is true for the way Pittsburgh appeals to lots of minoritized groups. There are community spaces for queer folks, medical providers who cater to our specific needs, nonprofits dedicated to our causes, and local businesses owned by members of the community. But it often feels like Pittsburgh’s blue-collar roots are at odds with contemporary queer community-building. Queer folks, to me, feel very disparate and broken up into cliques — sort of how the city is split up into so many tiny neighborhoods. As I write this answer, I’m realizing that I don’t think I’ve ever let my guard down to feel like my full self in any of the five years I’ve been living in Western PA.”

Tara, 24, is a Femme, Queer Human #AMPLIFY

Name:  Tara Foran Age: 24 County of Residence: Philadelphia, formerly Allegheny County Pronouns: she/her How do you describe your identity? Femme queer.  Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? I came out when I was 17. At the time, I was witnessing a shift in the way the people around me […]

Bier’s Pub to Host Happy Hour Supporting SisTers PGH, AMPLIFY on Friday, November 17

The folks at Bier’s Pub invite the LGBTQ community and allies to an evening of fine craft brew, drink specials, and appetizers, hosted by Northside neighbor Brian O’Neill columnist with the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. The Happy Hour proceeds will benefit two important LGBTQ projects. SisTers PGH focuses on the needs of homeless transgender neighbors throughout the […]

Writing Disrupts Complacency #NaBloPoMo Day One

What is your favourite part about writing? I’m rolling my eyes as I tackle this prompt. Regular readers know that I wrestle with the idea of identifying as a writer or artist or anything like that. I’ve adjusted to the idea that blogging is an art form and that blogging is a writing style. And […]

Guest Bartender Night at James Street Tavern October 24, 5-9 PM to Benefit #AMPLIFY

Here’s how it will work. Each bartender will earn points for two things – the number of people they bring to the event and the amount of $$ they raise. They are competing among themselves and just for fun, as teams, too. Please note that the actual bartender (the one making anything not beer or […]

Lisa, 47, is a Bi Woman Trying to Find Community in Pittsburgh #AMPLIFY

Bisexual Pittsburgh

Name: Lisa Age: 47 County of Residence: Allegheny County, previously Ohio & Puerto Rico Pronouns: She How do you describe your identity? Bi submissive white femme How would you describe yourself NOW in terms of “being out”? Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? At the age of 27, I was dating a woman […]

Alexia, 40, is Bisexual, Transgender, and Loves Pittsburgh #AMPLIFY

Transgender Bisexual Pittsburgh

Name: Alexia Age: 40 County of Residence: Allegheny, formerly Westmoreland Pronouns: She How do you describe your identity? Transgender, bisexual Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? I talked to my girlfriend and later to my mom. My gf was shocked at first but supportive afterwards. My mom still in denial, she […]