Why I’m Protesting the Pittsburgh City Paper ‘Best of Pittsburgh’ Reader’s Poll

Pittsburgh City Paper Best of PGH Winner 2016

It is rare enough to receive acknowledgement, much less awards, for blogging. Even more rare are awards when like me, you are well past the average blog expiration date (2.5-3 years.) When I became the first person ever to be voted “Best Blogger” in the City Paper Readers Poll in 2016, I was absolutely shocked […]

Thank you for 12 years of blogging opportunities

Today, December 29, marks our 12th anniversary (blogiversary?) here at Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents. 12 is my favorite number for no particular reason, so I’m excited about this. I had originally thought about about having a real time party at our home, but my boggy uterus  dashed that thought. This blog has been very important to […]

Q&A with Lauren from ‘Punksburgh’ blog, named ‘Best Local Blogger 2017’ by Pgh City Paper

In 2016, received this email from a guy named Blake informing me that I had been voted the first-ever ‘Best Local Blogger’ in the Pgh City Paper Reader’s Poll. I thought it was a prank. But it was not – Pittsburgh City Paper readers picked a queer, disabled, middle-aged woman at the first blogger to […]

Please Don’t Vote For Me: Pgh City Paper ‘Best of Pittsburgh’ 2017

Nominations are open for the 2017 ‘Best of Pittsburgh’ poll hosted by the Pittsburgh City Paper. I’m asking you to not vote for me as ‘Best Local Blogger’ the category I won in 2016. Don’t get me wrong, this is not false humility. Winning is fun, excellent even. I was blown away when I was […]

Top Things I Wish Pittsburgh’s Best Local Blogger Got To Do

Best Local Blogger Pittsburgh

I’ve been savoring my surprise nab of the Best Local Blogger category in the Pittsburgh City Paper’s 2016 ‘Best of Pittsburgh’ awards. By savoring, I mean that I agonized over how much I hated the accompanying photo, missed the award party because of anxiety and have awkwardly inserted the factoid into as many conversations as possible simply because Ledcat dared me to do so. I said it at least 10 times when I was in a blogging panel. Yes, I did use the phrase, “I traffic in the currency of exposure.”