Stop holding out for a hero. Do the simple, but hard work.

Holding Out For a Hero

Please stop asking me to do these things this work. Send you a link to a specific post If we are talking about it and *I* say, ‘hey you should read this post’ then it is reasonable to ask me to send it to you. If we are talking about it and *you* say ‘hey, […]

Pittsburgh Blogger Sue Kerr Named to Out100 Class of 2024

This is a good note for October – I was named to the Out100 for 2024. Coming on the heels of being named one of Pennsylvania’s LGBTQ Leaders by the Philadelphia Gay News, I’m delighted, humbled, and grateful. And my birthday is coming up on Tuesday! “We aren’t yet equal. I live in a state […]

Please Donate Gently Used Items For This Lesbian Blogger

Donate gently used items for womens

Hey friends,   I am still struggling to obtain items for cold weather. It is a lot of extra work to get my own things. If you have any of these items in gently used condition please let me know. ~ Sue   A few long sleeve tee shirts, crew neck, basic colors, sizes XL/1X […]

It’s Been 36 Days And I’m Still Fighting Back

Pgh Lesbian Correspondents

Good morning, my friends and readers. First, I am still safe with friends. They are feeding a rotating array of vegetarian foods – soup, pasta, even a tofurkey dinner. I’ve only had meat 2 times. To be fair, it is easier to eat vegetarian when other people are preparing the food. But I feel physically […]

Celebrating 14 years of LGBTQ Blogging at

December 29, is our ‘blogiversary’ – we set up this shop on December 29, 2005 from the attic of our home.  14 years later, we’ve been promoted to the sofa in the living room. Click here to see our first seven years archive in its original format thanks to the magic of html. My first […]

I’m profiled for the Post-Gazette by Tony Norman

Realizing I Am The Eccentric Relative In My Family

Eccentric Relative

We all have that one eccentric relative who always says and does the strangest things. In your family, who’s that person, and what is it that earned him/her that reputation? My one grandmother was the type who covered the furniture in plastic and served the kids Pepsi-free with sugar-free spearmint drops. She was pretty strict […]

Blogging Pittsburgh Opera

The Pittsburgh Opera Building

I pretty much always assumed that I would hate opera. I did not like many musicals – very much disliked Cats for example. I preferred dialogue to singing and I’m not a fan of the higher octaves as I was exposed to them at local Catholic churches in painful ways for most of my young […]

Would Holden Caufield Blog?

Holden Caufield

Write a post about any topic you want, but in the style of an author or a blogger you admire. What the heck is a blogging style? This is all I could come up with – a chalk drawing, but we have no chalk and Ledcat refused to lie down on North Avenue so I […]

Keep away from-a Runaround Sue

Dangerous Blogger

Do you have a reputation? What is it, and where did it come from? Is it accurate? What do you think about it? Oh, ha ha, this is an amusing prompt. Of course I have a reputation, multiple reputations. I am a woman with opinions who has the audacity to voice them and not always […]